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l5. LAYOFFS <br />a. VVhenever the City Manager deems it necessary to reduce the total nunnber of officers <br />or the number of officers within a specificd classiCzcation, thc City Manager shall <br />notify the Commission in writing giving the number of positions in each job to <br />be vacated or reduced in rank. Thereafter, the Commission shall furnush the names <br />of the officers to be laid off or reduced in rank. Thc order of layoff or teduction in <br />rank shall be based upon seniority in the job class with the officer lowest in seniority <br />in rank laid off or reduced first. Where possible, this section sha11 be interpreted in <br />a manner consisten� with applicable collective bargaining agreexnents. <br />b. The names of Officers who have been Iaid off shall be placed on a layoff recall <br />register based upon their scniority with the officer having the longcst sezuority bcing <br />recalled fizst. The life of this register shall be two years. <br />c. In thc case of o£ficers reduced in rank, upon such reduction the officer will be <br />returned to the rank and seniority in rank from which previously promoted and <br />placed at the top of the promotion register for the rank from which reduced, for a <br />period of one year. <br />16. SUSPENSIONS <br />For disciplinary puzposes, or pending investigation of the actions or conduct which may <br />result in a cause for discharge or reduction, in accordance with the Departments` Rules and <br />Regulations, the City Manager, the Chief of Police or Commission shall have the power to <br />suspend, with or without pay, any employee for a period not excecding sixty (60) days. As <br />soon after the suspension as possible, the Chief of Police shali notify ihe Commission in <br />writing, setting forth the reasons for the suspension. <br />17. D�SCHARGE AND REDUCT�ON FOR CAUSE <br />Procec�ures and grounds set forth zn Minnesota Statute Chapter 419 dealing with dischaxge <br />and reduction for causc shall be #ollowed. <br />18. RETIREMENT <br />a. Retircment shall be mandatory when an officer, for reasons other than service <br />connccted injury is unable to p�rform the essential functions of the positi.on. <br />0 <br />