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� <br />�� �� <br />�_ , <br />FORENSICSCIENCE <br />AND CRIMINaL15TICS <br />Advanceyourpreerin fawenforzemencbyleaming <br />more a6aut forensic sdence and aiminalistia through <br />the Amenra n Imtitute of Applied Sdence. <br />More than 200,OOOmenandwomen haveadrieved <br />profasional e�erienceand personaladiievementas a <br />resultaftheirgraduation fram theA.I.A.S_ ihe course <br />hasgraduaresframaraundthev�id. Alanydeparmierrts <br />in theUS. requiregraduation from the A.I.AS. caurse <br />and pay for tbe haining or reim6urse sNdents after <br />cnmpletian.Th� uniquecarespondencernurse wiBallaw <br />you ta work at your awn pace. The course is fuily acued- <br />ited, and the staffis alwaysavaiiableto assistyou. <br />THEAUIS OFFERS THESE rnrip�FC� <br />' Ftngeiprirrt lde�rolft�tion <br />• �in4erprirt �assifimtion <br />• [riminaf Imrcstigation <br />• �ireamu Id�affletiao _ <br />• Alodus Operandi <br />• QuesOortcd Dontment <br />. polite photographr <br />� FiGHf NEW COURSFS_ <br />• fundamerrtals of Farensic Imrestigation <br />- Tra� Evidenoe and tts SFgn'rfionae <br />• Roidame�rtals of Arsan and Explasives <br />Inre�tgation . <br />• ihe Signitimnae of Blood ]n Crimieal <br />ImRStlgatla� <br />' Faenslc lmrcstigatt�s Imo Drugs and IUmhol <br />• Doaene�ntandValne Examinatlon <br />' Fu�rm�,Toolmarla and Footwear fmpressions <br />' lm�i9ap�9 Faensi� � as the hrcemei <br />caura�r��. <br />{800)3545134 <br />liakfar«rscl�lu�Ng <br />a■d��� <br />� .- ��`,��re o��P <br />A <br />y �� <br />U <br />� , <br />�. •�� <br />r <br />�UgM+ <br />AMERIGAN INSTIIUTE <br />OF APPLIED SCIENCE <br />F.�. Box 639 <br />Yaungsville, Narth Carvlina 27596 <br />Phone: (800) 354-5i34 ar <br />(919} 554-2500 <br />Fax: (919) 556-6784 <br />E-Mail: AIAS� <br />Weh: http://www,aiasinc_com <br />Ciroie 9 on Aeader 5ervice Card <br />18 L�1�V and ORDER March 1999 <br />ple who come straight from college to <br />law enforcement. An education alone <br />does not give someone the reasaning <br />skills and thought pracess skilIs need- <br />ed to be a good police officer." <br />A reader who does not possess a <br />coliege degree, expressed his feelings. <br />"Higher education is indeed impor- <br />tant. To me it is a"tie breaker" [for <br />selection] for applicants of simiIar <br />backgrounds and abilities. It shauld <br />not be used universally as a screen <br />out There are too many qualified peo- <br />ple, who for one reason or another, <br />did not get a diploma from college." <br />A former sheriff from the Midwest <br />beiieves in higher educatian. "I am <br />currently finishing my MBA and hold <br />the office of uniform commander with- <br />in the department. I iind these newly <br />learned skills assist me on a daiIy <br />basis. I strongly encourage others to <br />puzsue a higher ed�cation." <br />A police manager campleting his <br />Masters degree had the following <br />opinion. "The applicant gooI here in <br />the Southwest is diminishing and we <br />are creating new ways to recruit and <br />hire qualifed applicants. An educa- <br />tionai requirement would almost take <br />us out of the market." <br />While not a scientific sampiing, <br />this feedback from readers seemed to <br />recognize the value of post high school <br />education. But many saw the expecta- <br />tion of a four-yeax degree as a pre-entry <br />requirement as pie-in-the-sky think- <br />ing. <br />Some felt that education was over <br />rated and that "common sense" and <br />military service were more important. <br />One respondent reported that his <br />departmeni had dropped their one- <br />year college requirement after they <br />concluded that education was not job <br />related. <br />I believe in higher educa[ion for <br />law enforcement officers, unequivo- <br />caily. However, it is nqt reasonable to <br />expect the acceptance of a universally <br />imposed, four-year degree require- <br />ment for entry level candidates at this <br />time. <br />In a telephone interview, Louis A. <br />Mayo, Executive Director of ti�e Amer- <br />ican Police Association, affirmed that <br />organization's "very strong support oF <br />the PERF recommendations for a <br />degree requirement by 2003". He is <br />not sure that it will happen withia the <br />time frame, but feels it is vitai to main- <br />tain that specific goal. "The whote� <br />purpose of APA is colIege education <br />For law erjforcement" he stated. <br />I would like to see a police man- <br />agement college, similar to the mili- <br />tary academies where cadets could be <br />trained for top administrative, career <br />law enforcement jobs and real value <br />given for in-service specialized educa- <br />tion in technology, managecnent and <br />Ehe physical sciences. The FBI and <br />other federal agencies hire and then <br />educate accountants, lawyers, physi- <br />cians, statis[icians and computer engi- <br />neers. <br />It would be a great step forward if <br />college education was supported at the <br />department ieveI by pay incentives, <br />payment for tuition and books, sched- <br />uling of shifts to accommodate coi- <br />lege studies, credit for education dur- <br />ing selection aad promotion, paid sab- <br />baticais fvr speciali7ed education and <br />�eaves of absence for continuing edu- <br />cation. <br />The recommeudation of PERF for <br />a four-year degree requirement for <br />entry level law enforcement officers <br />by 2003 is unrealistic and will exclude <br />many otherwise caQable appiicants <br />wl�o could become educated while in <br />service. At the same time, it should he <br />emphasized that should a degree <br />requirement be irnposed for entry level <br />officers, the degree should in �o way <br />compromise or overshadow othec stan- <br />dard entry Ievel requiremeats. That is, <br />the educational requirement will be an <br />addition, not a substitute for good <br />selecaon procedures. <br />Those who have vital interests in <br />law enforcement education are encour- <br />aged to contact the American Police <br />Association at (703) 971-7935, FAX <br />(703) 922-2768, Email address is <br />apai@wizard.net_ Share your views <br />with them, L.&O <br />Jack B. Molden is Professor Emeritus, <br />Universi[y of Illinois, Police Training <br />Institute_ He can be rea�hed at (719) <br />687-0410 or E-mai! at <br />Comments and suggesrions are welcomed <br />