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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Police Civil Service Commission
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currently licensed or etigible to be licensed by the State Board of Peace Officer <br />Standards and Training (PQS'1�. This means the applicant must meet all POST <br />requirements as set forth in State statutes. <br />B• Written E a inatio <br />A written testing process wiil be nsed routineiy to qualify applicants for entry level <br />employment. The written test, wi1l be designed to fairly test the ability of the� <br />applicant to discharge the duties of the position for wIuch he/she is applying, and wili <br />be tested for validity, usefulness and minimurn adverse impact. <br />The �inimum score acceptable for continuing in the seIection process will be <br />gsta.blished by the Civil Service Commission. Veteran's Preference points will be <br />added to the written test scores of those candidates scoring above the minimum. <br />All candidates taking the written test will receive a written summary of the <br />Depar�nent's selection process. <br />C• h s"cal uali c ti n est <br />The Chief of Police will designate representatives of the I�epart�ent to conduct a <br />physical qualification test (pass/fail basis) of all appZicants who pass the established <br />minirnum grade far the written test. The test consists of the following eIements, aIl <br />of which �ave been determined to be job-related: <br />1) stretcher carry 4) body cirag <br />2) 500 yazd run 5} trigger pull <br />3) obstacle course <br />11ilaximum times for each testing element will be detertnined based upon ctuxent <br />officers taking the Same tests. � Applicants must pass the physical qualification test <br />in order to contFnue in the selection process. <br />D• u lem ntal estions <br />Individuals requesting a City Application form wiIl receive a Supplement with <br />seyeral questions relating to the experience and skills of the candidate. 'I1�e questiox� <br />are designed to provide additional information about the caudiclate, such as his%her <br />accomplishments, foreign languange fluency, community irivolvement, work <br />experience, or similaz items. <br />The questions will be scored based on a pre-determined scale and v�11 only. be <br />completed for those candidates scoring above the minimum for the written <br />eXam��.tion- The points will be added to the points assxgned the written e:camiriation <br />to establish a ranking for determining which candidates go o� to the aral interviev�. <br />#32/2 <br />
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