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PF07-006_RCA_111912 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />4.0 B ACKGROUND 15 <br />4.1 The subject property is located in City Pl anning District 10, just west of 1996 Langton 16 <br />Lake Drive, and has a Comprehensive Plan designation of High Density Residential 17 <br />(HDR) and a zoning classification of High Density Residential-1 (HDR-1) District. 18 <br />4.2 Development of the property is to be the final phase of the Applewood Pointe at Langton 19 <br />Lake senior cooperative residence, which was first approved in 2007as a Planned Unit 20 <br />Development; construction of the first phase of the residential began in 2010 and was 21 <br />completed in 2011. The drainage easement to be vacated was established to be 22 <br />temporary, to provide for the drainage needs of the first phase of the cooperative 23 <br />residence and the adjacent assisted living facility, until a permanent drainage facility and 24 <br />easement could be established with the completion of the cooperative residential 25 <br />development. 26 <br />5.0 V ACATION A NALYSIS 27 <br />5.1 Public Works Department staff has reviewed the proposed vacation and rededication of 28 <br />the drainage and utility easement as illustrated in Attachment C. Public Works staff is 29 <br />supportive of vacating the easement and dedicating a new easement that is appropriate 30 <br />for the reconstructed drainage facilities and recommends approval of the requested 31 <br />EASEMENT VACATION with the condition that the applicant continue to work with Public 32 <br />Works staff to ensure that the permanent storm water facilities and new drainage 33 <br />easement are appropriately designed and dedicated. 34 <br />5.2 Since the Planning Commission is responsible for holding the public hearings for 35 <br />applications like the proposed vacation, Pla nning Division staff is preparing the report 36 <br />and supporting materials for review. But Pl anning staff doesn’t have an interest, per se , 37 <br />in such proposals and merely conveys the comments and recommendation of the Public 38 <br />Works Department in addition to coordinating the review of the proposal by the Planning 39 <br />Commission and City Council. 40 <br />6.0 P UBLIC C OMMENT . 41 <br />The duly-noticed public hearing for this application was held by the Planning 42 <br />Commission on November 7, 2012; no members of the public were present to comment 43 <br />on the proposal. After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted (4-0) 44 <br />to approve the requested EASEMENT VACATION ; draft minutes of the public hearing are 45 <br />included with this report as Attachment D. 46 <br />7.0 R ECOMMENDATION 47 <br />Based on the comments and findings outlined in Sections 4 – 6 of this report, the 48 <br />Planning Division recommends approval of the VACATION of the drainage easement with 49 <br />the condition that the applicant continue to wo rk with Public Works staff to ensure that 50 <br />the permanent storm water facilities and new drainage easement are appropriately 51 <br />designed and dedicated. 52