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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 19, 2012 <br /> Page 15 <br /> City Council tenure ended. Councilmember Johnson reiterated his concerns <br /> with Lexington Plaza on both sides,based on his observations. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Schwartz advised that Ramsey <br /> County would most likely approve installation of such a cross walk solution, if <br /> the City paid for it, based on similar situations in the past. However, Mr. <br /> Schwartz emphasized that this would be totally a City cost; and noted that all <br /> such similar remedies on County roads already installed, had been done at City <br /> cost as well. At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Schwartz esti- <br /> mated the cost to the City for a pedestrian activated signal to be between <br /> $15,000 and $20,000, depending on electrical and/or solar connections availa- <br /> ble. Councilmember McGehee noted that a $20,000.00 expenditure to insure <br /> public safety and save lives seemed appropriate and necessary. <br /> b. Emergency Management Update <br /> Fire Chief Tim O'Neill introduced Emergency Managers Battalion Chiefs Greg <br /> Peterson and David Brosnahan to provide an Emergency Management Update. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, while sirens may be intended to be heard <br /> outside, in many cases with windows closed or air conditioners running, they <br /> needed to be heard inside buildings as well. <br /> Chief Peterson advised that there was a value to that, but there was also an addi- <br /> tional cost related to additional decibel levels; thus the push for and value of <br /> weather alert radios for citizens. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the sirens had to meet existing outdoor warning stand- <br /> ards,but indoor standards were not applied. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she raised the question based on the <br /> safety of the community and residents, with the type of structures and residents <br /> in Roseville; and suggested those elements be considered, opining that with cur- <br /> rent technology, there must be wireless or internal systems available for multi- <br /> family and/or larger senior populated areas to alert them. <br /> Chief Peterson advised that the technology was out there, but was limited to <br /> what could be realistically paid for. While citing several examples, Chief Peter- <br /> son noted that typically those killed during a storm were those going outside to <br /> look at it or capture it on video. Chief Peterson noted the need to educate and <br /> remind people behaviorally of the dangers. <br /> Chief Brosnahan reviewed some new Emergency Management components <br /> based on recent reorganization of the Fire Department and their role for Emer- <br /> gency Management. Chief Brosnahan addressed initiatives, including updating <br />