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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,November 19, 2012 <br /> Page 16 <br /> 2006 FEMA training for all city employees and to substantiate grant applica- <br /> tions and elected officials, whether through on-line or classroom training. <br /> Councilmember Johnson thanked the Fire Department and expressed his appre- <br /> ciation for the work they did and its importance to the community and collective <br /> community throughout the region, state and country. Councilmember Johnson <br /> referenced his emergency training and certification as an elected official when <br /> first elected as a Councilmember; and while no longer a requirement beyond the <br /> Mayor, suggested that a certification program be reinstated as standard operat- <br /> ing practice for elected officials. Councilmember Johnson opined that it pro- <br /> vided a very informative, in-depth training beyond his previously held shallow <br /> view of what actually occurred in local government during an emergency situa- <br /> tion. <br /> Chief Brosnahan advised that it was the intent to get the City Council back into <br /> such a certification program, as part of FEMA command requirements for elect- <br /> ed officials; at a minimum to provide an overview of the Mayor and Coun- <br /> cilmember roles during an emergency. <br /> Chief Peterson concurred, noting that the more elected officials knew about the <br /> emergency system, the better for the community. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked staff for their presentation and their work with emergency <br /> management for the community and its residents. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> a. Liquor License Renewals <br /> Mayor Roe introduced Finance Director Chris Miller who briefly presented <br /> those licenses for renewal for 2013, as detailed in the Request for Council Ac- <br /> tion (RCA) dated November 19, 2012. Mr. Miller noted that those license re- <br /> newals included: ten (10) off-sale intoxicating liquor licenses; eighteen (18) on- <br /> sale 3.2 non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses; eight (8) off-sale 3.2 non- <br /> intoxicating malt liquor licenses; twenty-five (25) on-sale intoxicating liquor li- <br /> censes; four(4) club liquor licenses; and twelve (12) wine only liquor licenses. <br /> Mr. Miller apologized for leaving Pour Decisions off the list included in the <br /> packet; but advised that they should be included on the list for 2013 for an on- <br /> sale and off-sale liquor license. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that Pour Decisions had ap- <br /> plied for an on-sale liquor license, but had yet to pay the fee; however, he antic- <br /> ipated that they would facilitate that before year-end. <br />