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Analysis of Processing Residuals <br />"Contaminants in Marketed Product" - Outthrows and prohibitives as <br />defined for specific commodities and grades by each end market (i.e., mills or <br />other manufacturing plants that utilize processed recyclable materials). <br />If these terms are clearly defined and reported, the recycling industry will be able to <br />better compare research results. The actual composition, sources, and systematic <br />causes of increased processing residuals will be better understood. Also, through <br />improved communications and professional research, public and private management <br />controls will become more feasible and accepted as "best practices ". Thus, <br />standardized definitions should be a first step if reducing the amount of processing <br />residuals is a top priority for both municipalities and private contractors regardless if <br />the collection system is dual- stream or single- stream. <br />Data from the City of Roseville Recycling Pilot <br />Project <br />A comprehensive recyclable materials composition analysis was conducted as part of <br />the overall City pilot project. One of the key indicators of effectiveness measured for <br />each collection method was the amount of non - targeted material collected. The non - <br />targeted material was divided into four subcategories: <br />• Beer, Pop & Water Boxes <br />• Other Paper Trash <br />• Plastic Bags and Other Film Plastic <br />• Other Trash <br />The composition analysis team used a simple standard for determining if a <br />questionable item should be sorted into the non - targeted material: "If the City public <br />education tools list the item under Don't include these items' (in your curbside <br />recycling bin), then the sampled item was placed in one of the non - targeted material <br />subcategories. For example "beer, pop & water boxes" were defined as non - targeted <br />materials because the City staff instructs residents who call to exclude these coated <br />( "wet strength ") boxes from their recyclable materials set at the curb. <br />The Project Team's data analysis of the City's recyclable materials composition sorts <br />(Appendix B of this report) compared the material compositions by weight of the <br />single- stream collection routes to the dual- stream routes during the pilot. The results <br />showed the percentages of non - targeted materials (contaminants) in the single- stream <br />routes were higher than the percentages of non - targeted materials found in the dual - <br />stream routes. <br />Summary of WM Study at its Minneapolis MRF <br />Waste Management, Inc. (WM) conducted a composition analysis at its Twin Cities <br />MRF located in Minneapolis. The study, titled Summary - Single -Sort Constituent <br />B1605 A -3 <br />