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Data Analysis of City of Roseville Recyclable Materials <br />■ Sampling/Sorting Operations. <br />Health and Safety Plan <br />The Project Team developed a health and safety plan for the City's sorting staff and <br />volunteers. The plan is included in Attachment B -3. <br />Sampling and Sorting Events <br />The sampling approach used to assess the recyclable materials composition needed to <br />include an adequate number of representative samples to provide statistically <br />meaningful results. In addition, this objective had to be balanced with the City's time, <br />labor, and budget constraints. As a result, three one -week sorting events were <br />scheduled, one (in July) before the pilot collection methods were introduced to <br />residents, and two (in September and October) after the pilot collection methods were <br />initiated. <br />Samples of recyclable materials, weighing at least two hundred pounds each consistent <br />with American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards, were randomly <br />selected from the collection vehicles at the end of each collection day. (Details of the <br />sampling procedure are discussed in Attachment 13-2.) The number of samples sorted, <br />the total pounds sorted, and the average pounds per sample from each collection <br />method (single stream and dual stream) are shown below in Table 3. <br />Table 3 <br />City of Roseville <br />Number of Samples Sorted <br />Data Collection <br />Data sheets were completed during the sampling and sorting of the recyclable <br />materials. The tare weight of the container, and the weight of the individual materials <br />plus the tare weight, were recorded on the data sheets by the sort crew supervisor. The <br />data sheets used in the study can be found in Attachment B -4. <br />B1605 B -3 <br />Number <br />Numberof <br />Average <br />of Dual <br />Total <br />Average <br />Single <br />Total <br />Pounds <br />Stream <br />Pounds <br />Pounds <br />Stream <br />Pounds <br />per <br />Samples <br />Sorted <br />per Sample <br />Samples <br />Sorted <br />Sample <br />Before <br />22 <br />4,708 <br />214 <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />Pilot <br />During <br />26 <br />7,105 <br />273 <br />8 <br />2,269 <br />284 <br />Pilot <br />Data Collection <br />Data sheets were completed during the sampling and sorting of the recyclable <br />materials. The tare weight of the container, and the weight of the individual materials <br />plus the tare weight, were recorded on the data sheets by the sort crew supervisor. The <br />data sheets used in the study can be found in Attachment B -4. <br />B1605 B -3 <br />