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Roseville Fire cialist. (closing the Lexington station). <br /> Department Strategic 6. Generate revenue for the Fire However, the Fairview station <br /> PIan1 Department to be more self-sus- would need to be renovated to <br /> taining by implementing a fee <br /> The Roseville Fire Department has accommodate on-duty firefighters <br /> developed a long-range strategic for service billing program. and additional equipment. With the <br /> plan to use as a guide in deterrnin- Maximize the operational effi- assurance of on-duty staffing, the <br /> ing the future direction of the ciency, reduce maintenance response to emergencies would be <br /> Roseville Fire Department in pro- costs, and improve firefighter quicker. <br /> viding quality services to its resi safety by utilizing recommend- Competitive pay and benefits would <br /> dents. The strategic plan is an ever- <br /> safety <br /> vehicle and equipment pur- <br /> chasing also be recommended to help the <br /> changing document and is to be chasing and replacement pro- department recruit and retain quali- <br /> grams. <br /> continually updated. While there are ty part-time firefighters. <br /> more than 200 action plans listed in The above would be implemented The following page has financial <br /> the plan document, the following by transitioning from a completely projections if all of the above priori <br /> seven represent the most important paid-on-call department to a combi ties are implemented. <br /> items: nation department, accomplished by t This plan was presented by Roseville <br /> 1. Improve the quality of health hiring 4 full-time employees per Fire Chief Richard Gasaway to the <br /> care for Roseville residents by year over a 5-year period (total of Roseville City Council and City <br /> having the Fire Department 20 full-time firefighters) and Manager in August 2002. <br /> respond immediately to medical staffing two fire stations, Fairview <br /> emergencies using cross-trained &Dale, 24 hours per day (the old <br /> firefighter/paramedics. est Lexington station would be <br /> 2. Ensure a quick response to all closed) to ensure quick response <br /> critical calls for service (med times to emergency calls for serv- <br /> ical, fire, and rescue) 24 hours a ice.All full-time firefighters would <br /> day by hiring some full-time, i <br /> be trained as paramedic or EMT- <br /> cross trained firefighter/para- <br /> medics Basic first responders and would <br /> medics to complement the part- answer calls in addition to the <br /> time and paid-on-call volunteer police department first responders <br /> firefighters. (who are not firefighters trained as <br /> 3. Improve recruitment and reten- paramedics). Firefighters trained as <br /> tion of part-time firefighters by li lice nsed l d by the state of Minnesota <br /> making a commitment to and approved to practice in <br /> employee fitness and competi- Roseville. The third responder to a <br /> tive pay and benefits. call would be the ambulance, who <br /> 4. Improve the quality of services would have one paramedic (of the <br /> to residents by providing 24- two attendants) staffing the ambu- <br /> hour staffing and operations lance. It is proposed that the fire- <br /> from two fire stations (Dale & fighter/paramedic first responder <br /> Fairview). The Lexington sta- would use a SUV/van type vehicle, <br /> tion would be closed. which would answer the emergency <br /> 5. Improve the quality of life for call (not a fire engine), and would <br /> Roseville residents and protect be fully equipped with emergency <br /> medical equipment. Two of these <br /> our tax base by making preven- <br /> tion of fires, accidents, and vehicles would be needed, one for <br /> medical emergencies a high pri- the Fairview station and one for the <br /> ority in Roseville. This could be Dale Street station. <br /> accomplished, in part, by hiring Significant savings would be real- <br /> a full-time fire prevention spe- ized by operating two stations <br /> (Fairview and Dale) instead of three <br /> League of Women Voter RoMaFH <br /> 15 Roseville Fire Department 2003&Beyond <br />