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INTRODUCTION HISTORY OF THE FIRE <br /> T he League of Women DEPARTMENT AND <br /> Voters RoMaFH each year EMERGENCY MEDICAL <br /> selects a topic for in-depth SERVICES <br /> study.At the "Lively Issues" meet- <br /> ing of the League of Women Voters he Fire Department of the <br /> RoMaFH in January of 2002, and City of Roseville was <br /> again at the Annual Meeting in May established in late 1944 <br /> 2002, the membership voted to when the Rose Township Civil <br /> examine how the function of the Defense organization was being <br /> Roseville Fire Department might deactivated during the final months <br /> change in the future.A proposal of World War II. By the end of <br /> recently made by the Roseville Fire 1945, George Reiling (an early resi- <br /> Chief was one focus of the study. In dent and land owner) was author <br /> addition, it was apparent that the ized to build a fire station addition <br /> Fire Department was having diffi to his GMC-Oldsmobile sales and <br /> culty recruiting new volunteers. service garage at Lexington Avenue <br /> and old County Road C (currently <br /> The League of Women Voters corn- Woodhill Drive).According to <br /> mittee met with the Fire Chief, the Roseville—The Story of Its <br /> Assistant Fire Chief, the Police Growth, when Roseville was incor- <br /> Chief, the City Manager, the porated in 1948, there were 25 vol- <br /> Finance Director, representatives unteer firefighters.At that time, the <br /> from Allina(the current provider of population of Roseville was 4,589, <br /> ambulance service to Roseville), of which 2,700 were school-age <br /> and volunteer firefighters, both cur- children. By 1957, Roseville's pop- <br /> rently serving and retired. This ulation was approximately 22,000; <br /> report is the result of a year of there were 22 volunteer firefighters, <br /> monthly meetings and background all first-aid trained.At that time two <br /> research by committee members. station wagon "ambulances" were <br /> This study pertains to the Roseville staffed by 21 part-time police offi- <br /> Fire Department and some related cers and the city owned one patrol <br /> services.All committee members car. <br /> live in Roseville. In 1965, the League of Women <br /> Voters (LWV) studied the Roseville <br /> Fire Department and Police <br /> Department. Notes from the LWV <br /> historical file show that in 1965 <br /> there were 32 firefighters, all volun- <br /> teers. Most of these men lived in <br /> Roseville; all were trained in first- <br /> aid. The department averaged one <br /> call per day. There was one fire sta- <br /> tion in existence. Private trash burn- <br /> ing was allowed and grass/brush <br /> burning was allowed by permit. <br /> There was a need for volunteers <br /> who worked at night and were at <br /> home during the day to be available <br /> for calls. History shows that in <br /> 1961, the Police Department still <br /> League of Women Voter RoMaFH 1 Roseville Fire Department 2003&Beyond <br />