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had two station wagon "ambu- property owner or tenant, the value <br /> lances."The League committee was of the building, and the volunteers <br /> told that in 1964, the Police responding to the alarm. <br /> Department made 285 ambulance <br /> A second fire station was built in <br /> runs at no charge. 1967-68 at 2105 N. Fairview <br /> Of the 32 volunteer members of the Avenue, and in 1976 a third station <br /> Fire Department in 1965, almost all was built at 2335 North Dale Street <br /> lived in Roseville but many did not in the eastern part of Roseville. <br /> work in the village. There was a Rosedale shopping center had been <br /> Fire Chief who was responsible for approved in 1970, increasing the <br /> the care and condition of all fire- need for fire protection in the west- <br /> fighting equipment. There were also ern side of the city served by the <br /> a 1St and 2nd assistant, two captains, Fairview site. By 1973, there were <br /> two lieutenants, a fire marshal and 60 volunteer firefighters for a popu- <br /> an assistant fire marshal, each elect- lation of approximately 35,000 peo- <br /> ed annually by the department ple. <br /> members.All of these volunteer In March 1978, the North Suburban <br /> positions were paid for each call. Area Chamber of Commerce <br /> There were no full-time Fire requested the assistance of the local <br /> Department positions. The highest- League of Women Voters in evalu- <br /> ranking volunteer at a fire was ating the need for "paramedic serv- <br /> responsible for the actions of the ices" in the area, and asked the <br /> department. Firefighters were alert- League to bring the topic before its <br /> ed to fire calls on a radio receiver in members for discussion.At the <br /> their homes. Men living or working 1978 Annual Meeting of the League <br /> near the fire station went to the of Women Voters of Roseville, <br /> department to drive trucks; others Maplewood, Falcon Heights (also <br /> answering the call went directly to serving Little Canada), it was decid- <br /> the fire. They were paid per hour of ed to study emergency medical <br /> firefighting, including the after-fire services in Roseville.A committee <br /> cleanup of excess water and smoke was formed and met weekly for <br /> extraction.Whether men were several months. They interviewed <br /> allowed to leave work for a fire many providers and representatives <br /> depended on the employer.At that from Roseville and various sur- <br /> time, firefighters were required to rounding communities to compare <br /> be between the ages of 21 and 65, services. Information was also <br /> able-bodied, and not to be appoint- obtained from a variety of sources <br /> ed to the department after their 36th including people with expertise in <br /> birthday. There was a six month the field of life support systems. <br /> probationary period. Training was Methods of payment for such serv- <br /> conducted two nights each month, ices were also studied. <br /> with a practice drill at least once a <br /> month. The committee designed consensus <br /> questions, which were taken to the <br /> The Chief and assistants were in full membership in the autumn of <br /> charge of enforcing laws dealing 1978 with a report based on their <br /> with fire protection and could findings. From the results of this <br /> inspect all premises that might pre- procedure, recommendations were <br /> sent a fire hazard. Records were made to the Roseville City Council. <br /> kept by the Chief regarding the In February of 1980, the City <br /> starting time of the alarm, the loca- Council arranged for Advanced Life <br /> tion of the fire, the name of the Support (ALS) ambulance service <br /> League of Women Voter RoMaFH 2 Roseville Fire Department 2003&Beyond <br />