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with at least one ambulance sta- Department's budget. <br /> tioned in Roseville 24 hours a day. All other firefighters are volunteers, <br /> Additional rigs would be available who continue to be paid per call and <br /> in the event of a major emergency. per hours of service. (See page six.) <br /> Payment was to be made by those As of April 2003, the Roseville Fire <br /> using the service, usually by their Department had 63 volunteers, <br /> insurance. There would be no cost (including two women), in addition <br /> to the City except for providing to the four full-time, salaried staff <br /> space for parking the ambulance mentioned above. <br /> when not in service. League mem- <br /> bers were pleased that this plan At the League of Women Voters <br /> included almost all of their recom- Annual Meeting in May 2002, the <br /> mendations and was in place at the membership once again voted to <br /> time of the June 1981 tornado. The study the Roseville Fire Department <br /> plan has been reviewed periodically in response to the fact that recruit- <br /> by City staff and services have been ing volunteer firefighters was <br /> monitored for quality and cost. becoming increasingly difficult. <br /> This report will look at the current <br /> In 1992, the League of Women fire department and emerging <br /> Voters RoMaFH did an update on issues. <br /> the study of Emergency Medical <br /> Services (EMS) in Roseville, and The study committee is composed <br /> found that the service appeared to of six League members who live in <br /> be working to the satisfaction of Roseville.The committee has been <br /> both city officials and residents.At meeting since the summer of 2002. <br /> that time, an EMS ambulance was Note:Sources of information for this <br /> stationed in the city and response history are the publications Roseville, <br /> The Story of Its Growth,1843-1988, <br /> times seemed to be adequate. with permission of the Roseville <br /> Until 1999, all firefighters in Historical Society,and Roseville 1948- <br /> Roseville were volunteers, includ- 1953,published for the 25th anniversary <br /> ing the chief and station chiefs.All of the City of Roseville.More recent <br /> information was acquired from the City <br /> were paid per call and per hours of of Roseville administrative staff. <br /> service. The only exception was a <br /> salaried Fire Marshal whose respon- <br /> sibilities included investigation of <br /> the origin of fires, inspections to <br /> prevent fires, and education of the <br /> public on fire prevention. This posi- <br /> tion was created in 1969. <br /> Since 1999, Roseville has had a <br /> salaried full-time Fire Chief. In <br /> January of 2002, a full-time <br /> Assistant Chief was hired, bringing <br /> the number of full-time positions to <br /> four: Fire Chief,Assistant Fire <br /> Chief, Fire Inspector and Fire <br /> Marshal. The Fire Marshal and Fire <br /> Inspector were part of the <br /> Department of Community <br /> Development at that time. <br /> Beginning in 2003, their compensa- <br /> tion became part of the Fire <br /> League of Women Voter RoMaFH 3 Roseville Fire Department 2003&Beyond <br />