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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2013 <br /> Page 23 <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Miller confirmed that the water <br /> consumption rate could be revised at any time and at the discretion of the City <br /> Council. Mr. Miller advised that the only difficulty would be in staffs ability to <br /> communicate that message to residents in a timely manner between quarterly <br /> billings, noting that staff was fielding considerable questions from residents at this <br /> time on what they should expect for rates. <br /> McGehee moved a friendly amendment to the original motion that these items <br /> of discussion be included on the February 11, 2013 meeting for further explora- <br /> tion and 2012 usage analysis, allowing for full discussion of the issues raised <br /> tonight. Makers of the original motion (Willmus/Etten) accepted this friendly <br /> amendment. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe as to whether or not all information would be availa- <br /> ble at that time, Mr. Miller advised that staff would not have December 2012 us- <br /> age available on all City accounts until the end of March; however, he confirmed <br /> that he would have information on how much water the City had purchased from <br /> St. Paul Regional Water Utility at that time, but not all specific customer con- <br /> sumption information. <br /> Roll Call (as amended) <br /> Ayes: McGehee; Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> At the request of Finance Director Miller for the specific additional information <br /> being requested beyond the philosophical questions, Mayor Roe asked that he <br /> clarify that with Councilmember McGehee and other individual Councilmembers <br /> outside the meeting, given the lateness of the hour and additional agenda items <br /> still pending. <br /> Councilmember Willmus offered to have further discussion with Public Works <br /> Director Schwartz and Finance Director Miller to formulate ideas for the broader <br /> policy discussion. <br /> c. Request by HostasDirect for Approval of a Commercial Greenhouse as an <br /> Interim Use at 691 Larpenteur Avenue <br /> Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd briefly reviewed the request by Tom Carlson of <br /> HostaDirect for approval of a commercial greenhouse as an INTERIM USE at <br /> 691 Larpenteur Avenue, property owner by Mr. Henry Linder, as detailed in the <br /> RCA dated January 28, 2013. Mr. Lloyd reviewed general considerations for In- <br /> terim Uses, a history of the property and previous use as a commercial green- <br /> house, and staff's recommendation for a term of three (3) years for the INTERIM <br /> USE to allow the applicant to find a more suitable long-term or seek a Zoning <br /> Text Amendment allowing greenhouse use on this property on a permanent basis. <br /> Mr. Lloyd noted that staff's recommendations, as reviewed and enhanced by the <br />