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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2013 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that if the City Council wished to have additional topics of <br /> discussion about the base rate or a single tier for the water consumption rate, that <br /> it be discussed at a future meeting; and to focus on whether or not a 2013 con- <br /> sumption rate could be adopted at this time. Mayor Roe noted that the February <br /> 11, 2013 meeting agenda was rather light at this time, and would lend itself to a <br /> policy discussion on rate structures. <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11046 (Attachment <br /> A) entitled, "Resolution Establishing the 2013 Water Consumption Rates;" <br /> amended to maintain the base usage rate currently in effect; and maintain 2012 <br /> consumption rates for 2013 in the interim until further discussion could be held <br /> by the body. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the 2013 wholesale water rate for purchases by the <br /> City of Roseville from the St. Paul Regional Water Utility, with Mr. Miller advis- <br /> ing that the rates had originally been increased by approximately 5%; however, <br /> they were in the process of reviewing their internal rate structure, and had indicat- <br /> ed that the proposed rate could decrease. <br /> However, Mr. Miller advised that no matter that outcome, which will not be <br /> known until February or March of 2013, if the City Council retained the 2012 us- <br /> age rates, the City should remain viable, as long as it acknowledged that the rate <br /> model and methodology used over the last ten (10) years by the City of Roseville <br /> and St. Paul Regional Water Utility could be changing significantly. Mr. Miller <br /> anticipated the earliest staff would be able to discuss results of that internal rate <br /> study would be sometime in February, and may incur a major structural change <br /> affecting all St. Paul Regional Water Utility customers across the board, including <br /> Roseville. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that the 2012 rate from St. Paul <br /> Regional Water Utility was somewhat less than projected; however, he anticipat- <br /> ed that the City could realize a rate increase in 2013, and needed to be alert for <br /> that. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that staff display historical data of what the City <br /> Council had done to its utility rate structure; and address whether or not the con- <br /> servation rate structure had worked. Councilmember McGehee opined that her <br /> perception of the current structure served to subsidize individuals in the commu- <br /> nity using excessive amount of water. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that such a discussion be part of future agenda topics, and refo- <br /> cused discussion on the motion currently before the body to set 2012 water con- <br /> sumption rates, with other discussion not germane to that motion. <br />