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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28,2013 <br /> Page 25 <br /> Mr. Carlson advised that when first putting up a regular hoop greenhouse on the <br /> site, neither he or Mr. Linder were aware that they were out of compliance with <br /> City Code, and had since modified their plans from that type of structure to shade <br /> houses that would be 3-5' in height, and should serve to make the neighbors hap- <br /> pier. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding employee parking and/or deliveries off Lar- <br /> penteur Avenue, with Mr. Carlson reviewing the difficulties created through use <br /> of that access related to safety directly on the street and grass versus concrete <br /> driveway areas; and the few deliveries that would serve to impact residents in that <br /> area. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Carlson reviewed employee <br /> counts and hours over the six (6) months of operation annually in comparison to <br /> current use by residents along Saint Albans, with average trips between 9-11 in <br /> addition to deliveries to those residential properties. Mr. Carlson opined that he <br /> failed to see how the few employee vehicles during the week and limited trips or <br /> deliveries would create a big inconvenience to the neighbors, since many of them <br /> were parking on the Linder side of the street anyway. <br /> Mr. Carlson expressed his appreciation to staff and Planning Commissioners for <br /> their professionalism during this process, and noted his only additional request <br /> was to extend the term of the Interim Use from three(3) to five (5) years. <br /> Given the applicant's commitment to improving the property at their expense, and <br /> the City's desire to support businesses in the community, Councilmember McGe- <br /> hee spoke in support of a five (5) year term for the Interim Use, and suggested <br /> that any extensions for the Use be made as streamlined as possible in support of <br /> the business. <br /> Mr. Lloyd noted that the Zoning Code prescribed Interim Uses and their limit for <br /> five (5) year maximum terms with subsequent extensions following a similar ap- <br /> plication process. Mr. Lloyd noted that the other option for Mr. Carlson would be <br /> to seek a Zoning Text Amendment as previously discussed, which would provide <br /> for a public hearing at the Planning Commission and re-approval process. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that a shorter term provision would provide an <br /> opportunity for neighbors to have recourse after three (3) years to allow comment <br /> and a check on the use. Councilmember Willmus noted that an added benefit for <br /> the applicant would be that if he was up to standards and meeting conditions, <br /> there should be no problem in approval of an extension; with the other resource to <br /> seek rezoning of the property allowing for this type of use indefinitely. <br /> Public Comment <br />