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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 28, 2013 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Written comment, consisting of an e-mail dated January 28, 2013 from Rev. <br /> Arne K and Meryl C. Jessen, 1716 Saint Albans Street N, in opposition to the <br /> Linder Interim Use Permit Application, was provided as a bench handout. <br /> Henry Linder, Property Owner <br /> Mr. Linder provided a history of greenhouse use on this property by his father, <br /> and then its use by Landscape Alternatives; and his interest in utilizing the struc- <br /> tures originally built by his father and make it a viable business again. Mr. Linder <br /> advised that he thought Mr. Carlson was a great fit for that interest; and asked that <br /> the City Council approve a five (5) year Interim Use, noting that it could be re- <br /> voked at any time if conditions were not met, and therefore a longer term was <br /> moot. <br /> Mr. Linder reviewed the access with a sliding gate off Saint Albans with a 15' <br /> concrete apron allowing for delivery vehicles to have direct access to the building. <br /> Mr. Linder advised that he was more than willing to look at further improvements <br /> to the property, something he had intended but been unable to finance to-date; and <br /> expressed his personal concern with safety s in using the Larpenteur Avenue ac- <br /> cess for parking as well as interfering with his private driveway, back yard, and <br /> family garden, with little room between the garden and greenhouse to allow con- <br /> venient access. <br /> Kathleen Soderberg, 1732 N St.Albans <br /> Ms. Soderberg referenced her written comments pertaining to this issue as previ- <br /> ously submitted; and spoke in support of Mr. Linder and Mr. Carlson intent, opin- <br /> ing that having someone reliable on the street would serve as an asset for the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Motion to Waive the Curfew and Extend the Meeting <br /> McGehee moved, Etten seconded, extending the meeting until 10:15 p.m. <br /> • Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee; Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and Mr. Linder included intended upgrades <br /> to the existing fence (e.g. painting); current deciduous trees providing good <br /> screening; potential relocation or sale of boats, even though there were not part of <br /> this issue. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included a realistic timeframe if the <br /> City would be required to take action to revoke the Interim Use, while allowing <br /> for due process for the applicant; and rights of the applicant outside the City pro- <br /> cess (e.g. court action) to appeal any revocation if conditions were not met. <br />