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Marketing / Communications Efforts throughout 2013 <br />overview of proposed approach <br />PAGE 2 OF 4 <br />Sponsor a series of workshopsDigital media campaign Welcome packet revisionDigital screen campaign and the app <br />Fair promotion <br />Overview:Overview:Overview:Overview:Overview: <br />collaborate with the Library or the utilize ‘new’ digital media channels to increase the visibility of RHRA offered integrate campaign efforts with annual develop an app for iphone and <br />mobile <br />City’s Parks & Rec to create a co-advertise the Living Smarter resourcesprograms through revised welcome fair to include on-site promotion of devices to promote the resources and <br />sponsored program within community continuous ads, spotlighting the re-packet materials for new residentsoffer continued updates (theAppWeb) <br />resources <br />education under the auspices of Living integrate materials with the website and integrate promotion of the fair in promote the app via iTunes <br />sources running in various categories <br />over the period of the campaignwealth of resources available through campaign effortsutilize revolving digital screens to <br />Smarter <br />provide residents with opportunities channels:, NextDoor.comthe various campaign elementspromote the Living Smarter resources <br />association campaign <br />to learn about sustainable living and discuss partnership opportunities, identify a steady filming resource and in locales <br />benefits of life in Roseville from experts especially around the Living Smarter provide a greater template format for identify areas within the city, such as <br />and educatorsFair in February future videosrestaurants, library, Mall, etc. for <br />provide residents with greater access utilize channels as to pro-digital advertising to be placed <br />to resources and programs available mote video content develop highly visual and attractive <br />through the City’s RHRA promotion for resources and programs <br />capstone the series with the Living associated with Living Smarter <br />Smarter Fair education seminars increase traffic to website via the app <br />Timeline:Timeline:Timeline:Timeline:Timeline: <br />announce program / series at the Feb-april through novembermarch - mayjanuary through februaryapril through november <br />september - november <br />ruary Living Smarter Fair <br />begin co-sponsored classes in March <br />and continue through end of Novem- <br />ber <br />capstone with the 2014 Living <br />Smarter Fair in February 2014 <br />Budget considerations:Budget considerations: <br />Budget considerations:Budget considerations:Budget considerations: <br />$1,000 for co-sponsorship$1,000 for development and manage-$3,500 for redesign $1,000 for development and manage-$2,500 for development and manage- <br />$4,000 for production <br />ment mentment <br />$2,500 for placement$1,500 for advertising$999 for app fees <br />$2,000 for advertising <br /> <br />