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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Mr. Brokke encouraged Councilmembers to attend any of the scheduled meetings <br /> to observe; and discussion ensued as to how to keep the City Council informed, <br /> with a minimum overview or summary of the process so they remained aware of <br /> the feedback coming forward. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested a one page, executive summary of the meetings, at which <br /> time the City Council could follow-up with any further questions or information <br /> needed. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested that it would be important for the City Coun- <br /> cil to be aware of positive or negative comments from specific neighborhoods, as <br /> well as any new ideas coming forward. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested a summary similar to that provided to the Parks Master <br /> Plan Steering Committee to continue the communication and connection with the <br /> community; and fjarther suggested a dedicated area on the City website where the <br /> public could gather additional information. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted that there was already such a link; with Mr. Brokke <br /> adding that as projects are initiated, additional information, including that pre- <br /> sented tonight, would be added to the website, along with photos, progress re- <br /> ports, and meeting scheduled for individual parks, as currently set up by the <br /> City's Communications Department. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Brokke, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and all <br /> those involved in this process; and expressed his anticipation of more updates as <br /> the process became more involved. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Consider Adopting the 2014-2015 Budget Calendar <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller noted that the City Council and public had been in- <br /> troduced to the calendar process during the first biennial budget process in <br /> 2012/2013; and provided a tentative schedule as detailed in the RCA dated Febru- <br /> ary 11, 2013, with a description of each of those discussion topics. <br /> On Page 4, Mr. Miller advised that the City Council was asked to adopt the <br /> 2014/2015 Budget Calendar by resolution to demonstrate to citizens and other in- <br /> terested parties that the City Council and staff were committed to a transparent <br /> process; and communicate with residents when there would be opportunities for <br /> them to participate in the process. As additional information related to the budg- <br /> et, Mr. Miller referenced Attachment D, outlining the City's Performance Man- <br />