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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2013 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Councilmember McGehee announced vacancies on various City Council Advisory <br /> Commissions (Ethics Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Planning <br /> Commission), and encouraged citizens interested in applying to seek applications on the <br /> City's website or through calling City Hall at 651/792-7001; with the application dead- <br /> line at 4:30 p.m. on February 28, 2013. <br /> Mayor Roe announced scholarships available for communications/journalism students in <br /> member cities of the North Suburban Cable commission, including Roseville, with appli- <br /> cation and additional information available at with an applica- <br /> tion deadline of April 12, 2013. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked staff to provide information to the NextDoor website re- <br /> garding commission vacancies. <br /> Mayor Roe, in his role as City Council liaison and Board Member to the North Suburban <br /> Cable Commission, provided the "100 hours" report to Councilmembers regarding vari- <br /> ous services provided to member cities by C-TV staff, at no cost. Mayor Roe noted that <br /> the City of Roseville had the highest participation of any member city in 2012, and ex- <br /> pressed his appreciation that the City was taking advantage of this valuable service. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he had requested C-TV to provide a comparable valuation of <br /> those services, if obtained at market rates, with that information still pending. <br /> Mayor Roe also noted that Comcast had recently announced their transfer from analog to <br /> digital service, requiring an adapter, free of charge to cable users for up to two for cus- <br /> tomers with certain levels of service. Mayor Roe noted that this had caused some confu- <br /> sion, and some difficulty in contacting Comcast for further information and clarification. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that the Cable Commission was another source of information and a <br /> resource for customer service assistance with the transition and adapters. Mayor Roe ad- <br /> vised that Comcast was implementing a different model for customer service entitled <br /> "Centers of Excellence" with each location focusing on a specific area of customer ser- <br /> vice. Mayor Roe noted that, unfortunately, this had created some challenges and/or long <br /> delays; and wanted to make the public aware that Comcast was attempting to resolve <br /> those issues. Mayor Roe clarified that universal service for city channels was available at <br /> no charge, and misinformation had been given by some Comcast customer service repre- <br /> sentatives who were unfamiliar with the provision. Mayor Roe encouraged the public to <br /> be persistent, and suggested that they contact the North Suburban Cable Commission to <br /> resolve any outstanding issues. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mayor Roe advised that a resident needed <br /> cable to receive universal services, such as City Council meeting broadcast; however, he <br /> noted that residents can also stream City videos via the web as well. <br /> 5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br /> 6. Approve Minutes <br />