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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 11, 2013 <br /> Page 20 <br /> through use of PUD's with the City Council versus staff spending time on those <br /> points. Mr. Trudgeon advised that one option to accomplish that goal would be <br /> through site plan reviews at the City Council level. Mr. Trudgeon noted the sig- <br /> nificant importance of the Twin Lakes Area to the community, and the need for a <br /> special process and permitted uses through a hands-on approach, but not neces- <br /> sary for the broader community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that this was her intent to provide a better vi- <br /> sion for that area. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested it may be best to focus on how to get what the community <br /> wanted versus what it didn't want. <br /> In discussing the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area, Councilmember Laliberte <br /> suggested the discussion be specific to that area as a separate zoning entity, per- <br /> haps through providing stop gaps such as site plan review to avoid the "Wild <br /> West" concept. However, in her community door knocking campaign, Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte observed that she heard that Roseville had become a com- <br /> munity where it was difficult to get things done; and her perception was that this <br /> was at the City Council level in not working well with staff. Councilmember <br /> Laliberte stated that, while it's good to identify things not wanted and proactively <br /> solicit ideas and suggestions for land use in Twin Lakes, it was important to rec- <br /> ognize that the City did not own the land. While proactive in attracting business <br /> to that area, Councilmember Laliberte opined that they couldn't invite interest in a <br /> property and then slap it down in the end. Now that Wal-Mart is here, Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte opined that there would be interest in the area, and like it or <br /> not, what gets to the forefront in developers needed to avoid a patchwork quilt of <br /> development and for the City Council to take a more proactive stance and make <br /> sure staff had the freedom to proceed as directed by this body as a whole. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with the points made by Councilmember Laliberte, noting <br /> that this was what the HRA was currently pursuing through its economic devel- <br /> opment efforts in the community. By having a framework in place through site <br /> plan review and PUD tools, Mayor Roe opined that it could make for a better pro- <br /> cess overall. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that, if this was the direction of the body, staff could work <br /> on ideas for a specific site plan review process and permitted uses for further dis- <br /> cussion in the immediate future. Mr. Trudgeon noted that there are development <br /> interests out there right now, and timing was everything; with staff anxious to get <br /> working on it and recommending code revisions to allow continued discussion. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that it was important to involve the Planning Commission in the <br /> process, as the City's stewards of City Code. <br />