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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2013 <br /> Page 21 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon and Mr. Paschke concurred, noting that they didn't want to get too <br /> far into the process until they were sure of the City Council's direction. <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed appreciation for this discussion for the bigger <br /> picture to avoid overwhelming people with specific, while addressing things that <br /> correlated with tree preservation or new vegetation versus parking lots and termi- <br /> nals, shared parking, and other ways to soften and preserve positive characteris- <br /> tics for that area. Councilmember Etten sought additional clarification on how to <br /> address park dedication fees or land or sharing green space when there may be <br /> different property owners involved or sharing a particular development project. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted the difficulty in coordinating some of those issues; however, <br /> he noted that staff always encouraged sharing amenities. Mr. Trudgeon noted the <br /> uniqueness of the Twin Lakes Area, and the Langton Lake asset; and anticipated <br /> the need for ongoing tweaking as development formulated. Mr. Trudgeon sug- <br /> gested one way to address the preferred green space while recognizing that it is an <br /> urban area would be by paying close attention to the edges with higher density in <br /> the middle. <br /> As the Parks and Recreation Commission got into the Wal-Mart development re- <br /> view, Councilmember Etten noted the problems found since the City didn't own <br /> the rest of the land around it. <br /> Mr. Paschke noted the tie in and purpose of the regulating map and previous <br /> AUAR correlation to the Twin Lakes Area and staff's advocacy for preserving ar- <br /> eas with existing trees and to address various environmental issues. <br /> In considering tools available to the City, Mayor Roe referenced a recent discus- <br /> sion at the Regional Council of Mayors related to the City using funding sources, <br /> such as tax increment financing, to build a shared parking ramp in order to <br /> achieve its objectives; with that being the City's role as facilitator. <br /> Further discussion included ongoing discussions with land owners in the Twin <br /> Lakes Area and the City's goals and objectives; broader Twin Lakes Area param- <br /> eters to the east and west of the area; whether to pursue regulating plans for other <br /> areas as contemplated in the revised zoning ordinance; and property owners ver- <br /> sus developers. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the Wal-Mart negotiations were not han- <br /> dled properly by the City; and in her familiarity with the neighborhoods and Twin <br /> Lakes Parkway, she continued to be an opponent of bringing the Parkway all the <br /> way through to allow park access, with no need to drag traffic through residential <br /> areas from the highway, opining that Lincoln Drive could not handle it and the <br /> plan needed to be rethought. <br />