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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11,2013 <br /> Page 22 <br /> While recognizing Councilmember McGehee's interesting perspective, Mayor <br /> Roe noted that traffic studies indicated just the opposite, with no plan to route <br /> traffic into residential neighborhoods. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stood firm in her opinion that it would do so, and her <br /> disagreement with those traffic studies. <br /> b. Discuss City Zoning Code Updates <br /> City Planner Thomas Paschke briefly summarized the various updates observed <br /> by staff that may need revision, based on their day-to-day use of the revised Zon- <br /> ing Code, and as detailed in the RCA dated February 11, 2013. Mr. Paschke ad- <br /> vised that some were fundamental, and others simply typographical corrections <br /> needed overall; and sought any additional areas of which the City Council may be <br /> aware for revision or discussion. <br /> Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon noted that a lot of details <br /> may come up as the process moved forward; however, he asked that the City <br /> Council advise staff now if there were things that were not worth staff time and <br /> that should not be pursued, as well as other areas of which staff was not aware but <br /> needed to know about. Mr. Trudgeon advised that not all things would be able to <br /> be accomplished this year, and some may not require a detailed discussion, but <br /> sought broad questions or comments at this time before the processes were initiat- <br /> ed. <br /> Design/Performance Standards (page 1, line 24) <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of allowing metal corrugated material, <br /> opining that it could be quite attractive. <br /> Page 2, line 33-36 <br /> Discussion included architectural requirements for a finish over concrete block. <br /> Page 2, lines 46-49 <br /> Discussion included the need to limit the height of an industrial silo. <br /> Use(page 3) <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his preference to prohibit check cashing op- <br /> erations. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this may be a licensing versus land use issue. <br /> Mr. Paschke offered to research this further, however, he clarified that "check <br /> cashing" was a special term use defined by the State of MN, and the City only <br /> served as a pass-through conduit for those businesses to obtain their licenses. <br /> Page 3, line 93 <br />