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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 11,2013 <br /> Page 30 <br /> Regarding a single tier usage rate, Mayor Roe requested more information from <br /> staff on options/requirements to accomplish this year or next year. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that, with a single-tiered usage rate, if that was the consensus, <br /> there would be a few things required(e.g. monthly billing). <br /> Since rates were now set, Mayor Roe asked that staff provide that information to <br /> the City Council later this year. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte sought assurance, received from Mayor Roe and staff, <br /> that the City Council would revisit this issue after hearing from the City of St. <br /> Paul on rates. <br /> d. Discuss Uniform Commission Code <br /> City Manager Malinen briefly summarized the RCA; seeking guidance from the <br /> City Council as outlined in lines 61 — 66; at which time staff could bring back a <br /> singular ordinance applicable to all commissions; and then subsequent specific- <br /> centric codes with their charges. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte spoke in support of the uniform ordinance; and asked <br /> that additional thoughts and comments be addressed to the Advisory Commission <br /> Subcommittee for their review and ultimate recommendation to the full body. <br /> Mayor Roe spoke in support of the uniform code; and suggested a more in-depth <br /> discussion about the removal provision than possible tonight. Mayor Roe sug- <br /> gested additional feedback and discussion from individual advisory commissions <br /> regarding their charge. Regarding lines 36-38 (Attachment A, Section 201.01) <br /> regarding establishing additional commissions by resolution; Mayor Roe spoke in <br /> support of revising the ordinance itself if the intent was for addition of a standing <br /> advisory committee; with other subcommittees or groups done beyond that ordi- <br /> nance structure. Mayor Roe noted that he had a number of suggestions for ordi- <br /> nance structure and organization and would follow-through with staff off-line. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that subsequent discussions would be taken up by the subcom- <br /> mittee and their recommendations brought back to the full body. <br /> City Manager Malinen concurred, noting that this overall ordinance was intended <br /> to create a foundation, with specific charges and other aspects more committee- <br /> oriented. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that some language revisions were necessitated by updated <br /> State Statutes (e.g. Planning Commission), while other parts could be a two-phase <br /> process as outlined by City Manager Malinen. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his preference in City Manager Malinen <br /> working with the subcommittee; and advised that he would pass his thoughts on <br />