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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2013 <br /> Page 31 <br /> to the subcommittee as applicable. Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of <br /> retaining the removal with/without cause based on past issues, and expressed his <br /> strong interest in keeping that provision in place to expedite the process when a <br /> legitimate situation comes forward. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mayor Roe advised that he anticipat- <br /> ed the subcommittee and City Manager to collect their information and if neces- <br /> sary, present them in two different presentations one on the uniform structure por- <br /> tion of the proposed ordinance and a second on the detailed ordinances for each <br /> commission. <br /> e. Consider Conducting a Resident Survey <br /> A Survey Question Comparison between Shoreview questions and the Cobalt <br /> document was provided as a bench handout. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager briefly summarized materials provid- <br /> ed and proposals received from the RFP process, as detailed and provided as at- <br /> tachments to the RCA dated February 11, 2013. <br /> Discussion included the last Decision Resources survey done in Roseville in <br /> 1998; lack of response by Decision Resources to the City's RFP and the cost 2.5 <br /> times higher than Cobalt or the National Citizens Survey; ease of use and infor- <br /> mation among various surveys; whether or not the City had used the information <br /> provided in the last Cobalt survey to its best advantage to make effective use of <br /> that available data; ability to add questions to any of the survey options; prefer- <br /> ence for a smaller survey and larger cross-section of citizens; effective of and be- <br /> tween phone versus mailed surveys; and local survey firms versus nation-wide <br /> firms that were not necessarily amenable to Midwestern communities. <br /> Councilmembers Laliberte, Willmus and McGehee expressed their preference for <br /> the less complicated survey of Decision Resources. <br /> Councilmembers Willmus and McGehee spoke in support of phone surveys ver- <br /> sus mail surveys. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked staff to contact Decision Resources to determine <br /> their rationale in not responding to the City's RFP. <br /> Mayor Roe noted comments he'd heard over the last six (6) years that Roseville <br /> didn't want to compare itself to peers; while at the same time hearing the oppo- <br /> site, providing little consistency. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his interest in comparisons with communities <br /> immediately adjacent to Roseville (e.g. New Brighton, Shoreview). <br />