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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> Date: 03/25/2013 <br /> Item No.: 12.b <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Consider Approving a Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless at the Reservoir <br />Woods (1901 Alta Vista) Communication Tower <br />B <br />ACKGROUND <br />1 <br />At the January 28, 2013 City Council meeting, the Council reviewed a proposal from Verizon Wireless to <br />2 <br />modify the City-owned ground space lease area at the Reservoir Woods Communications Tower, located at <br />3 <br />1901 Alta Vista Drive. The expansion of the ground space area needed to be addressed before a formal <br />4 <br />Lease Agreement between the City and Verizon could proceed. <br />5 <br />6 <br />Verizon’s proposal required an expansion of the existing fenced-in ground spaced area by approximately <br />7 <br />th <br />180 square feet to accommodate their preferred equipment shelter design. During the January 28 Council <br />8 <br />discussion, it was noted that Verizon’s equipment shelter would require a variance given its size. The <br />9 <br />Variance Board approved that request at their March 6, 2013 meeting, citing the need to accommodate <br />10 <br />technological changes in the telecommunications industry and maintaining consistency with the <br />11 <br />Comprehensive Plan and the intent of the Zoning Code. <br />12 <br />13 <br />th <br />Also during the January 28 Council discussion, the Council acknowledged general support for expanding <br />14 <br />the ground space area. However, they expressed a number of comments regarding the potential impacts on <br />15 <br />the adjacent pathway and the overall Reservoir Woods park area. Those comments were generally focused <br />16 <br />on building aesthetics, equipment noise, and landscaping. It was understood that the Parks Commission <br />17 <br />th <br />would be reviewing the proposal and these very same impacts at their upcoming March 5 meeting. <br />18 <br />19 <br />th <br />On March 5, the Parks Commission reviewed a revised proposal from Verizon that included upgraded <br />20 <br />building design elements including the use of brick and vertical façade improvements to include a <br />21 <br />noticeable base and top. It also included revised plans to incorporate screening from tree plantings and the <br />22 <br />possibility of either the installation of a black-vinyl fence or vining on the fence to improve screening even <br />23 <br />further. The Parks Commission expressed their support for the revised plans and asked Staff to continue <br />24 <br />working with Verizon to address any remaining landscaping concerns. <br />25 <br />26 <br />At the Parks Commission meeting, there was also a discussion on a proposed alternate access route <br />27 <br />indicated on the construction plans. The depiction of an alternate route was necessary to demonstrate that <br />28 <br />Verizon (and all existing carriers on the tower) would have legal access to the site in the event the <br />29 <br />currently-used northerly route became unavailable. <br />30 <br />31 <br />This was in reaction to an issue recently raised by St. Paul Regional Water System (SPRWS) Staff who <br />32 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />