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expressed a desire to have a more formal access agreement in place for the portion of the pathway that <br />33 <br />crosses their property on the south end of the parcel that contains the Reservoir. <br />34 <br />35 <br />It’s worth noting that the tower has been in place since 1997 and access to the tower was provided via a <br />36 <br />gravel road that eventually became a paved pathway in 1999. Access to the tower was agreed to when the <br />37 <br />City originally bought the property but evidently a formal agreement was not done. It is expected that a <br />38 <br />formal agreement with the SPRWS will be completed in April or May. In the meantime, SPRWS has <br />39 <br />indicated that it has no intentions of changing or preventing any access to the tower. <br />40 <br />41 <br />In the discussion at the Parks Commission meeting it was noted that IF the southerly route ever needed to <br />42 <br />be built, it would require future discussion on the alignment, amount of tree and brush removal, and <br />43 <br />pathway surface materials. At this time the southerly route is not needed. Verizon has obtained approval to <br />44 <br />use the northerly route from the SPRWS on a temporary basis until a formal access agreement is finalized. <br />45 <br />46 <br />Attachment A includes the proposed Lease Agreement with Verizon. We expect some minor modifications <br />47 <br />to the language associated with the landscaping plan. We expect this to be completed by Friday. Any <br />48 <br />modifications will be sent to the Council under separate cover . Attachment B includes a revised site plan <br />49 <br />outlining the changes requested by the City Council, Parks Commission, and City Staff. <br />50 <br />51 <br />Staff will be available at the meeting to address any questions. <br />52 <br />PO <br />OLICYBJECTIVE <br />53 <br />The proposed modification to the ground space at the Reservoir Woods Tower is consistent with City Code <br />54 <br />requirements for co-locations of wireless service providers as well as past practices. The lease agreement <br />55 <br />will provide non property-tax revenue to support City functions. <br />56 <br />FI <br />INANCIALMPACTS <br />57 <br />The lease agreement call for the City to receive $28,000 annually (adjusted for inflation). <br />58 <br />SR <br />TAFF ECOMMENDATION <br />59 <br />Staff recommends approval of the lease subject to final approval by the City Attorney. <br />60 <br />RCA <br />EQUESTEDOUNCILCTION <br />61 <br />Motion to approve the lease agreement with Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC, for leased space at the City <br />62 <br />owned Reservoir Woods Communication Tower, subject to final approval by the City Attorney. <br />63 <br />64 <br />Prepared by: Chris Miller, Finance Director <br />Attachments: A: Proposed Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless <br /> B: Proposed Memorandum of Tower Agreement <br /> C: Revised Site Plan <br />65 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />