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Invitations: <br />D.The applicant shall prepare a printed invitation identifying the date, time, <br />31 <br />place, and purpose of the open house and shall mail the invitation to the recipients in a <br />32 <br />list prepared and provided in electronic format by Community Development Department <br />33 <br />staff . The recipients will include property owners within the public hearing notification <br />34 <br />area established in Chapter 108 of the City Code, members of the Planning Commission <br />35 <br />and City Council, and other community members that have registered to receive the <br />36 <br />invitations. The invitation shall clearly identify the name, phone number, and email <br />37 <br />address of the host of the open house to be contacted by invitees who have questions but <br />38 <br />are unable to attend the open house. The invitations shall also include a sentence that is <br />39 <br />substantially the same as the following: <br />40 <br />This open house meeting is an important source of feedback from nearby property <br />41 <br />owners and is a required step in the process of seeking City approval for the proposed <br />42 <br />[zoning map change/interim use], and a summary of the comments and questions raised <br />43 <br />at the open house meeting will be submitted to the City as part of the formal application. <br />44 <br />Summary: <br />E.A written summary of the open house shall be submitted as a necessary <br />45 <br />component of an application for approval of a proposal requiring a developer open <br />46 <br />house meeting <br />47 <br />SCCA <br />UGGESTEDITYOUNCILCTION <br />48 <br />Provide the City Planner with consensus direction on how to proceed with the proposed <br />49 <br />tent amendment and there are other items/areas that the City Council believes are worthy <br />50 <br />of amending, feel free to discuss and direct the City Planner at the June 10, 2013 meeting. <br />51 <br />This amendment is tentatively scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission <br />52 <br />at the July 10, 2013 meeting. <br />53 <br />Prepared by: City Planner Thomas Paschke (651-792-7072) | <br />54 <br />RCA_DeveloperOpenHouse_061013.doc <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />