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:•��,: ' <br />;��; ;. <br />;��. <br />,.;� : <br />_�.� <br />� ;;. <br />�, �. <br />�`� 5 <br />�. <br />. <br />� �' ; <br />��. <br />�� . � <br />�� , �. <br />� <br />r'1 <br />LJ <br />PLANf�ING REPORT <br />OATE: <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOC4TION: <br />ACTION RE�UESTEO: <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />� <br />3 December 1986 <br />1717 <br />Srent D. Krause <br />North of County Road B-2, <br />Westerly of Rice Streat (sea <br />aketch) <br />Approval of Spocial Usa <br />Permit for Daycare Center <br />� <br />1. The property In queation Is zonad B-2 withi� which a daycara center is <br />a Specla. Uae. Brent D. Krauea Is the proj�ct managar from <br />Construction 70 who proposea to construct a daycare canter for tha <br />"Lea:ning Tree" Daycare Organization. The Learning Tree people <br />operata an exiating daycare center east of Fairviaw Avenue� northerly of <br />County Road B In Rosevllle in additlon to twenty-sIx other locations in <br />the S[ate of Minnesota. <br />2. <br />3. <br />��;i <br />The property is a platted lot and is contiguous to a 40 foot wide strip <br />of land platted as an outlot which runs from County Road B-2 to <br />Transit Avenue on the north. This 40 foot atrip is proposed to ba a <br />private e[reet which will serve as accesa [o the east side of the lots <br />which front on Rice Street to the north and east of this property. <br />Reference ta m ade to the attached copy �f a portion of the aection <br />map which tllustrates the relationship between these lota and the 40 <br />foot outlot. <br />The proposal was to construct a one atory building on the aite with e <br />pitched hip roof, giving the atructure considerable residentlal character. <br />The site plan appears well adapted to the site, with the exception of a <br />suggested rolocation of the easterly most driveway ao as to connect to <br />[he proposed private atreet Contiguoua to the east. Thi:; atruet will <br />likely �e constructed in the near future In as m uch as the develo��er is <br />currently preparing preliminary pians for the construction of the smali <br />scale shopping center on Lote 1 end 2 of Block 1 of the Transit Second <br />Addition. Lot 3, as you know, ia currently occupied by Straughns <br />Hardware Store. Connecting this driveway to the north/so�:tr� atree[ •Nill <br />eliminate two driveways side by side. It will also resuli in thre� <br />additional parki�g apaces on the site. This concept has I.een reviewed <br />with the epplicant's architect and with Mr. Janisch, the A3sistant City <br />Engineer. <br />