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Bryan Lloyd � <br />To: <br />Subject: variance request <br />Hi again, i�Ir. Ronkc. <br />r1 <br />LJ <br />Page 1 of l <br />I just want to check in ��ith you about your variance request before I finish the staff report. I talked to 'I'homas Paschke <br />about our conversation last �veek (I'm not sure if he had the chance to call you back); while I don't mean to speak for <br />Thomas, I was left �vith the following understanding about your initial convexsation ��ith him: <br />I3y informing you that a rain-water garden would be required to offset any impervious coverage beyond what the Code <br />allows, he didn't intend to give you the impression that simply providing adequate on-site storm-water drainage would allo�v <br />any amount of impervious surface area. I believe his goal was simply to infortn you that a variance for excess impervious <br />coverage would only be approved with the condition that measures be taken to mitigate the marginal storm-�vater runoff. <br />�1nd while I didn't get a clear impression of his initial comments to you with respect to the proposed size of the garage, <br />breezeway, and sunroom, he told me that he tried to be clear about the fact that his opinion on the matter (whatever that <br />opinion was) was only one among the Department staf£ When the entire Department staff reviewed your proposal, I <br />believe we concluded unanimously that the scale of the buildings you've proposed are not approprtiate far the size of ��our <br />lot. <br />So, to recap my previous email, we (as Department staf� cannot support your variance request based on ��our present <br />proposal. We are generally� supportive of your desire to make improvements to your property, but, even though such <br />improvements might require a variance, the scale of those improvements must be in keeping with the size of the lot itself. <br />You certainly may maintain your applicarion and proposal as it is without making an� changes, but the staff report would <br />include stafis recommendation to the Variance Board that the variance request be denied. However, if you do want to <br />make some revisions to your proposal so Department staff can support the variance request, it's conceivable that such <br />changes could be made in time for the January meeting of the Variance Board (although tune is getting tight); otherwise <br />you could take more time considering ways to scale back your proposal and �ve could bring the revised variance request to <br />the FebYUary 7th �'ariance Boar�i meeting. I need to deli� er the staff report to the Variance Board membeis b�- Triday-, <br />December 29. <br />As always, please don't hesitate to call me if �-ou ha� e adciitional questions or concerns about this matter. <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />Associate City Planner <br />City of Roseville <br />651-792-7073 <br />bryan.11oyd,� <br />12/26/2006 <br />