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actions (enrollment, trafftc, stormwater, sanitary wastes and water usage) as well as present and <br />future actions (enrollment to 2,400 FTE's, road relocation, additional buildings, tra�c increases, <br />stormwater generation, etc.) to marimum build-out of the site. In the event, any additional <br />improvements or buildings are needed in the future beyond those planned in the Master Plan and <br />EAW, those improvements would need to be evaluated. At this time, there are no plans jor additional <br />improvements or enrollment increases beyond those anticipated in the Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD� and EAW. <br />30. Other potential environmental impacts. If the project may cause any adverse environmental impacts <br />not addressed by items 1 to 28, identify and discuss them here, along with any proposed mitigation. <br />No other adverse environmental impacts other than those noted previously are anticipated as a result <br />of lhis Project. <br />31. Summary of issaes. Do not complete this section if the EAW is being done for EIS sco�ing; instead, <br />address relevant issues in the draft Scoping Decision document, which must accompany the EAW. List <br />any impacts and issues identified above that may require further investigation before the project is <br />begun. Discuss any altematives or mitigative measures that have been or may be considered for these <br />impacts and issues, including those that have been or may be ordered as permit conditions. <br />The project is implementation of Northwestern College's Master Plan. The Master Plan proposes to <br />increase the total FTE student population from 1,600 to 2,400 and provide.s the facilities, parking, and <br />infrastructure to support the current and future student population. <br />Before construction begins, further investigation will be needed to derne the speciftc measures to be <br />taken to protect wildlife habitat. Where trees must be removed, the appropriate native species to plant <br />in replacement must be identified. The protective measures may be defined as conditions of city <br />building permits. <br />Erosion and sediment control plans will need to be prepared and approved in conjunction with the <br />NPDES permit ihat will be needed for changes to the outfall structures located around Lake Johanna. <br />Specific erosion and sediment control measures will be identified through the NPDES�ermit <br />application process. Best Management Practices for storm water management will be selected and <br />implemented as development projects on campus are constructed. Speciftc measures may be defined as <br />conditions of MPCA permits, the Rice Creek Watershed District permit, and city building permits. <br />Defrned landscaping plans to mitigate visual impacts and lighting plans will be designed as <br />architectural design progresses for each proposed building. City permits may define specific <br />conditions for landscaping and lighting plans. <br />Traffic impacts related to the proposed project are projected to occur at nearby intersections. <br />Mitigation measures to improve operating conditions with the implementation of this Project include <br />1) Implementing a trafftc signa! at Fairview Avenue/Lydia Avenue with an exclusive southbound left <br />turn lane of 250 feet; 2) Directing outbound right turns and inbound left turns to and from the west via <br />the Northwestern College west gate during the p.m. peak hour; 3) Adding an exclusive 1 SO foot right <br />turn lane at Lydia/College entrance to facilitate safe maneuvers for college-bound vehrcles; 4) One <br />additional exclusive eastbound left turn lane at Snelling Avenue/Lydia Avenue with left turn lanes <br />extended to 200 feet; 5) One additional exclusive eastbound left turn lane at Snelling Avenue/County <br />Road G2 with left turn lanes extended to 200 feet; 6) Developing a Travel Demand Management Plan <br />(TDM) for campus students, staff and employees. <br />Page l6 <br />