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both cities will be met. Arden Hills' lighting standards indicate requirements for direction, source <br />concealment, interrsity and exterior lighting. These requirements will be met, including the requirement <br />that light will not be cast exceeding a meter reading of 0.4 foot candles on adjoining residential <br />properties. Roseville's design standards state similar requirements with lighting levels not to exceed a <br />meter reading of 0.5 foot candles on adjoining residential properties. In accordance with condition.s oJ <br />approva! of the PUD, lighting from any new or remodeled structures, parking lots, or roads are <br />prohibited from shining directly onto adjacent properties and shall not exceed the lighting limitations <br />in the Zoning Code. This requirement wifl be addressed by the College. <br />Temporary visual impacts are expec[ed during construction including various construction equipment, <br />stock piling of dirt and materials at the site. No permanent visual impacts are anticipated ufter <br />construction of the Project is complete. <br />27. Compatibility with plans and land use regulations. Is the project subject to an adopted local <br />comprehensive plan, land use plan or regulation, or other applicable land use, water, or resource <br />management plan of a local, regional, state or federal agency? X Yes No. If yes, describe the <br />plan, discuss its compatibility with the project and explain how any contlicts will be resolved. [f no, <br />explain. <br />The narthern portion of the campus, located in Arden Hills, is zoned Residential (R-1). The R-1 <br />District allows institutions of higher learning (School, Higher Education) as a Planned Unit according <br />to the Land Use Chart in Section S.E. of the City ofArden Hills' Zoning Ordinance. <br />The southern portion ofNorthwestern College's campus, located in Roseville, is zoned PUD - Planned <br />Unit Development. Chapter 1008.01 of the City of Roseville's Zoning Code states: "A planned unit <br />development "PUD " is a zoning district which may include single or mixed uses, one or more lots or <br />parcels, intended to create a more flexible, creative and e�cient approach to the use of land and <br />subject to the procedures, standards, and regulations contained in this Chapter. " <br />In either City, the changes envisioned in the Master Plan will not require modifrcations in the Zoning <br />Regulations or Zoning Districts. Likewise, no changes in Si�bdivision Regulations are needed. <br />The vehicle for addressing the modiftcations of the campus is the Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br />which is a process allowed in both cities' zoning regulations. PUDs allow developments of all kind.s, <br />(residential, commercial, instilutional) to move forward withiiz the framework of the regzrlations, <br />recognizing the unique nature of the project or institution. <br />No modifrcations are needed to either cities' Comprehensive Plans or Zoning Ordinances. <br />Northwestern College is consistent with the Comprehensive Plans and Future Land Use associated <br />with each Ciry. <br />28. Impact on infrastructure and public services. Will new or expanded utilities, roads, other <br />infrastructure or public services be required to serve the project? Yes X No. If yes, describe the <br />new or additional infrastructure or services needed. (Note: any infrastructure that is a connected action <br />with respect to the project must be assessed in the EAW; see EAW Guidelines for details.) <br />29. Cumulative impacts. Minnesota Rule part 4410.1700, subpart 7, item B requires that the RGU consider <br />the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects" when determining the need for <br />an environmental impact statement. Identify any past, present or reasonably foreseeabie future projects <br />that may interact with the project described in this EAW in such a way as to cause cumulative impacts. <br />Describe the nature of the cumulative impacts and summarize any other available information relevant <br />to determining whether there is potential for significant environmental effects due to cumulative impacts <br />(or discuss each cumulative impact under appropriate item(s) elsewhere on this form). <br />There are no lrnown past, present or reasonably foreseeable futtrre projects that may interact with the <br />project to produce cumulative impacts. The existing EAW and associated studies take into account past <br />Pnge I S <br />