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1033 Udifluvents 0.5 <br />1039 Urban land 13.5 <br />1055 Aguolls and histosols, ponded 0.9 <br />W w'ater 25.3 <br />The majority of the site is composed of fine sandy loams, predominantly Zimmerman type (see <br />Attachment 11). The Zimmennan series consists of excessively drained, rapidly permeable soils on <br />ounvash plains. They farmed in leached f ne sandy material and slope ranges from 0 to 25 percent. <br />The Urban land-Zimmerman complex consists of Urban land and very gently sloping to moderately <br />sloping, excessively drained Zimmerman soils on ouhvash plains. Up to 90 percent of the complex is <br />Urban land. Udifluvents are somewhat poorly drained, nearly level to gently sloping soils on <br />shorelines along lakes, rivers, and sloughs. These soils are extremely variable. Urban land is a <br />miscellaneous area which has more than 90"/0 of the surface is covered with buildings, asphalt, <br />concrete, or other impervious surfaces. These areas are generally level to gently sloping. Aquolls and <br />Histols, ponded is a soi! type tlrat consists of level, poorly drained mineral and organic soils around <br />lakes or rivers and in depressions of till plains and outwash plains. <br />During construction activities, best management practices (BMPs), such as the use of silt fence, will be <br />incorporated to ensure that site runoff and siltation is prevenled to minimize any impacts to <br />groundwater; particu/arly in areas near any wetlands or Lake Johanna and Little Lake Johanna. <br />20. Solid wastes, hazardous wastes, storage tanks <br />a. Describe types, amounts and compositions of solid or hazardous wastes, including solid animal <br />manure, sludge and ash, produced during construction and operation. Identify method and location of <br />disposal. For projects generating municipal solid waste, indicate if there is a source separation plan; <br />describe how the project will be modified for recycling. If hazardous waste is generated, indicate if <br />there is a hazardous waste minimization plan and routine hazardous waste reduction assessments. <br />In 2006, the College generated approximately 385 tons of municipal solid waste. This equates to the <br />College currently generating l,1001bs/day of municipal solid waste, wlzich is 1.31 lbs/day/student. <br />With the increase in student population to 2, 400 students, an additional 1, 060 pounds of solid waste <br />per day is anticipated based on an additrona1800 students generating 1.31 !bs/day/student. The total <br />increase in student population wou/d be graduated over a minimum of Il years. The nature of the solid <br />waste material tivould be primarily paper products, food packuging, and beverage containers. <br />Colfection x�ould 6e by a licensed garbage hauler and disposal would be at an approved facility. <br />The College has several recycling programs including recycling paper products, plastics, and glass. <br />The College recycled 42.24 tons of cardboard and mixed paper and recycled an additiona13.6 tons of <br />commingled recycling products in 2006. These programs will 6e continued and new facilities will be <br />incorporated into the existing programs. <br />During construction minor amounts of solid construction wastes will be generated. This waste wi/1 be <br />collected and hauled ofj-site to be placed in a landfrl! by an npproved waste hauler. All bituminous <br />material will be hauled away by the Cnntractor to be recycled. Excess �,rcavated materials not suitable <br />for bac�ll, and other waste materials shall be disposed of in accordance with local regulatory <br />requirements. Watertight conveyance shall be provided for liquid, semi-liquid, or saturated materials <br />to prevent liquid loss or bleeding along transport routes. Once construction is complete, no waste will <br />be produced. <br />b. Identify any toxic or hazardous materials to be used or present at the site and identify measures to be <br />used to prevent them from contaminating groundwater, If the use of toxic or hazardous materials will <br />lead to a regulated waste, discharge or emission, discuss any alternatives considered to minimize or <br />eliminate the waste, discharge or emission. <br />No hazardous material.s are known to have been stared or disposed of on the prope�-ty. <br />c. Indicate the number, location, size and use of any above or below ground tanks to store petroleum <br />nu�� t o <br />