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products or other materials, except water. Describe any emergency response containment plans. <br />No known above or below ground storage tanks are known to be on the property. <br />21. Traffic. Parking spaces added 690 at buildout, 330 parkine spaces added with current projects (see <br />detail belowl. Existing spaces (if project involves expansion) 1,400 existin�parkine spaces. Estimated <br />total average daily traffic generated . Estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated (if known) <br />and time of occurrence .(A net increase of 238 u.m. peak hour trips and 365 p.m. peak hour <br />trips are anticipated from campus expansion at buildout.) <br />Provide an estimate of the impact on traffic congestion on affected roads and describe any traffic <br />improvements necessary. If the project is within the Twin Cities metropolitan area, discuss its impact <br />on the regional transportation system. <br />This Project is anticipaled to have minimal impact on the Twin Cities Metropolitan Regional Highway <br />System. <br />Parking: Currently there are about 1, 400 parking ,rpaces on the Northwestern College campus north <br />of Lydia Avenue. Estimates of peak parking demand were made based on hourly vehic(e counts <br />collected via the 48-hour traffic tube counts taken in Apri/ 2006. Peak demand is estimated to occur <br />between 12: IS and 12:30 p.m. on a typical weekday and consists of about 1,365 parked vehicles, or <br />97% ojparking capacity. For the first three projects there will be 495 spaces added in the Parking <br />Ramp, and 165 spaces lost with the construction of the Community Life Center, for a net total of 330 <br />new spaces in the current projects. Additional parking is proposed ta be added, with a total parking <br />space increase to 2,090 spaces, a net increase of 690 spaces. The College will consider incorporating <br />parking structures into any new construction in an effor-t to minimize tlze impacts of increased parking <br />needs throughout the etttire campus. <br />Traffic: Existing a.m. and p.rn. peak hozrr trnfJic conditions H�ere modeled using Synchro/SimTrajfic <br />simulation software at four stardy intersections including Fairview Avenue/Lydia Avenue, Lydia <br />Avenue/College Entrance/Lincoln Drive, Lydia Avenue/Snelling Avenue, and Snelling Avenue/County <br />Road C-2. All study intersections currently operate at acceptable levels oJservice overall (i.e., LOS D <br />or better) in both the a.nt. and p.m. peak hours. However, several intersection approaches currently <br />operate below LOS D, including the southbound approach at Lydia Avenue/College Entrance/Lincoln <br />Drive and the eastbound approach at Snelling Avenue/County Road G2 which operate at LOS F <br />during the p.m. peak hour. Vehicles exiting the campus gate in the p.m. peak hour experience about 61 <br />seconds delay on average due to limited gaps in the east-west trajf:c�low on Lydia Avenue during that <br />period. Also operating below LOS D are the eastbound and westbound approaches of Snelling/Lydia <br />(LOS E in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively) and the eastbound approach at Snelling/County <br />Road G2 in the a.m. peak hour (LOS E and LOS F in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively>). <br />Future trip generation due to campus �,rpansion and corresponding increases in student enrollment, <br />faculty, and staff, was estimated for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. These estimates were based on <br />existing hour-by-hour gate counts taken in Apri12006 which were used to calculate the current rate of <br />peak hour trips per total commuter students, faculty and staff. This calculated rate was then applied to <br />the projected future year commuter student, faculty, and staff populations to derive trip generation <br />totals. Incoming and outgoing trips were determined based on the hvo-directional gate count data. The <br />total net increases in campus-related trafftc turn movements estimated for Year 2018 (at Master Plan <br />buildout) are shown in Attachment 20 (Figure No. 3 from the Trafftc Impact Study). A net increase of <br />238 a.m. peak hour trips and 365 p.m. peak hour trips are unticipated_from campus expansion at fu!l <br />buildout. The distribution of campus-generated trips was estimated hased on existing commuter <br />student, faculty and staff residentia! zip codes. <br />The most signiftcant impacts of the proposed campus expansion are projected to occur at Fairview <br />Avenue/Lydia Avenz�e and at the College entrance at the intersection with Lydia Avenue and Lincoln <br />Drive. At Fai�view Avenue/Lydia Avenue future trafJic operatioris would fall to LOS D overall, and the <br />southbound approach would drop to LOS E due in part to campacs-generated traffrc moving through <br />Page ! I <br />