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Attachment 10 <br />Attachment I1 <br />Attachment 12 <br />Attachment 13. <br />Attachment 14: <br />Attachmenl I5: <br />Attachment 16: <br />Attachment 17: <br />Attachment 18: <br />Attachment 19: <br />Attachment 20: <br />National Wetlands Inventory Map (Roseville portion of the site) <br />Ramsey Counry Soil Map <br />U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Response E-mail <br />Minnesota's Federally Listed Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate <br />Species' County Distribution <br />Minnesota Historical Society Response E-mail and History/Architecture Site Locations <br />Surrounding Land Uses Map (500 feet from parcel boundaries) <br />Depth to Bedrock Map - Ramsey County <br />MnDNR - Natural Heritage Information Database Response Letter <br />100 }�ear Delineated Floodplain Map - Arden Hills (unavai/able for Roseville) <br />Depth to Groundwater <br />Traffc Impact Study Figure 3: Net Campus Master Plan AMand PMPeak Trips <br />6. Description <br />a. Provide a project summary of 50 words or less to be published in the EQB Monitor. <br />Northwestern College proposes to implement its Master Plan, which increases the totul FTE student <br />population from 1,600 to 2,400 and provides facilities, parking, and infrastructure to support the <br />current enrollment and increased student population. The primary College site consists of 94.64 <br />acres and is located in Arden Hills and Roseville. <br />b. Give a complete description of the proposed project and related new construction. Attach additional <br />sheets as necessary. Emphasize construction, operation methods and features that will cause physical <br />manipulation of the environment or will produce wastes. Include modifications to existing <br />equipment or industrial processes and significant demolition, removal or remodeling of existing <br />structures. Indicate the timing and duration of construction activities. <br />Northwestern College is located in the cities of Arden Hills and Roseville and has experienced an <br />increase in demand for its programs and facilities. In response to this demand, the College prepared <br />a Master Plan jor the College which determined that both in terms of programs (sta�ng and <br />curriculum) and facilities (size and character of the campus), the ideal size of the campus in terms of <br />full-time enrollment (FTE's) is 2,400 students. The Master Plan out/ines the College's current and <br />_future needs in terms of rzecessary classrooms, support facilities, and parking, and lays out the <br />facility needs for the College for the next 12 to 20 years. Enrollment is currently restricted due to the <br />shortage of facilities available on campus and the existing PUD. <br />Based w� the Master Plan there are many improvements, renovations, additions, and other <br />modificatiorzs proposed. These pro�osed �rojects wil/ address on-campus housing, parking, tra�c, <br />surface water, and classroom/office space issues faced by the College now and with growth in the <br />number of students, faculty, and staff. The projects identified are preliminary and conceptual at this <br />point. Over the course of 12 to 20 years, many changes could occur and the Phasing Plan could <br />change. <br />Today, Northwestern College's campus consists of 107 acres and 14 buildings (approximately 12.5 <br />acres and itve buildings are locuted south of Lydia and east of Snelling, and are not the subject of <br />this EAW.) The Master Plan proposes seven new structures, consisting of a Communiry Life Center <br />(student union), an academic/science building, a resrdence hall, an athletic freld house, a <br />visitor/alumni center, a dormitory, and two parking structures. Additions include the music building <br />Berntsen Resource Center, KTIS Addition with renovations to the powerhouse. The existing road <br />that bisects the campus will be re-routed east of Riley Hall, reducing safetv issues for students and <br />enabling the College to create a Campus Green. <br />As these capital imprrovements are made, related improvement.r for surface wuter management, <br />traffic, and parking will be made to accommodate student/faculty enrollment growth. The College <br />has completed a detailed traffic impact study and stormwater management study and will address <br />grading and drainage, landscaping (visual impact, open space, screening, environmental impact, <br />Page Z <br />