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landscaping guidelines) building elevations, lighting, building and road setback requirements as <br />projects in the Master Plan progress to implementation. <br />Please see Attachment 7, the Northwestern College PUD Report, completed by the College in 2007 <br />jor more detail. <br />c. Explain the project purpose; if the project will be carried out by a governmental unit, explain the <br />need for the project and identify its beneficiaries. <br />The proposed project is being completed in accordance with the College's Master P/an and PUD to <br />accommodate current enrollment and growth in student populatian, staff and, faculty on lhe existing <br />campus. The project is necessary to provide facilities and parking for the growth expected over the <br />next 20 years. <br />d. Are future stages of this development including development on any outlots planned or likely to <br />happen? X Yes No <br />If yes, briefly describe future stages, relationship to present project, timeline and plans for <br />environmental review. <br />This project is being completed in multiple stage.s over a 12 l0 20 year time period. The first projects <br />a�-e planned to be completed within hvo years and include reconstruction of the campus loop road, <br />demolition of the existing tennis courts, design and construction of a new parking structure, the <br />development of a Campus Green (open space), and the design and construction of the Community <br />Lrfe Center (student union). In total, the Master Plan anticipates a potential of seven new buildings <br />which includes the Community Life Center, a Visitor/Alumni Center, a new fieldhouse, a new <br />General Academic/Science building, two new parking structures, a new athletic residence hall, and <br />additions to the existing Fine Arts building and the Library, remodeling of existing buildings, and <br />relocation of various administrative staff to locations off of the main campus. The Northwestern <br />College Master Plan is recommended to be subject to review by !he Planning Comrnission and City <br />Council of Arden Hills every five years in order to review general activity on the campus and to <br />evaluate compliance with the Master Plan. <br />e. Is this project a subsequent stage of an earlier project? X Yes No <br />If yes, briefly describe the past development, timeline and any past environmental review. <br />In 1986, the College applied to the Cities ojArden Hills and Roseville for an Amended PUD Plan to <br />accommodate additional student growth and provide additional facilities and infrastructure. This <br />i�acluded conapletion of ar� EA bV. <br />7. Project magnitude data <br />Total project acreage: 94.64 acres on the primarv Colleee site <br />Number of residential units: unattached: N/A maximum units per building: N/A <br />attached: (Dorm w/77 beds) +(Dorm w/680 beds�(Total of 757 beds - Existing acilities <br />attached: (Dorm w/77 beds) +(Dorm w/680 beds) +(Dorm w/500 beds =(Total of 1 257 beds) - Proposed facilities <br />Commercial, industrial or institutional building area (gross floor space): total square feet <br />= approximately 514.400 Qsf of existing institutional building area <br />= addition of approximately 414, 600 Qsfof proposed new institutional building area <br />= approximately 939.000 Qsfof total existing and proposed institutional building area <br />Indicate areas of specific uses (in square feet): <br />N/A Office <br />N/A Retail <br />N/A Warehouse <br />N/A Light industrial <br />N/A Other commereial (specify) <br />N/A Manufacturing <br />N/A Other industrial <br />See above Institutional <br />N/A Agricultural <br />/'age .� <br />