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The main concern noted by the development review committee (DRC) in reviewing our <br />sketch plan was the lack of access provided to Langton Lake Park as contemplated in the <br />Langton Lake Park Master Plan. During sketch plan review, we sought direction from <br />the City on how to approach this issue and have offered up alternatives to include the <br />access in exchange for City owned land to the south. We as a developer do not feel the <br />access proposed in the Langton Lake Park Master Plan is at all practical for the following <br />reasons: <br />■ As demonstrated in our letter to the City dated March 29, 2007, a connection <br />running north/south off of Brenner Avenue would result in approximately one- <br />third of the site having relatively little value in terms of development due to the <br />loss of buildable land from the roadways and setbacks. Land remaining after the <br />introduction of such roads is further limited by the wetland in the northwest <br />corner of the property, and therefore a senior cooperative building is no longer <br />feasible. <br />■ The economics of this proposed development are very tight based on the current <br />site plan, and it has therefore been assumed that we would be compensated for <br />any impact resulting from the park access. If the City were to pursue access per <br />the Langton Lake Park Master Plan, we would offer for purchase the land for the <br />roads as well as the portion of the property east of the Mount Ridge Road <br />north/south extension. The price of acquiring this land would be approximately <br />$950,000 based on the current Purchase Agreement price; however, this does not <br />even take into account the diminished value of the remaining buildable area <br />considering the significant wetlands to the northwest. It is likely the final <br />purchase price would exceed $1 million as the portion acquired by the city would <br />have a higher per square foot value than the remaining land. Also keep in mind <br />that the above figures do not even factor in the cost of the roads themselves. <br />■ The access contemplated in the Langton Lake Park Master Plan would require a <br />roadway to be built along the southern property line of this parcel. Construction <br />of a road in this location—along with the intersection from the north—will have a <br />major impact on the wetland area to the south on City owned land. Either a <br />portion of the wetlands would need to be mitigated, or the east/west road would <br />be pushed farther north further impacting any development value of the remaining <br />property. <br />■ The connection of our proposed development to Brenner Avenue has been <br />strongly opposed by the neighbors to the north. They have indicated the <br />neighborhood has previously fought this battle with the City, and received <br />assurances that such a connection would not be made. Out of respect for the <br />neighbors, we have never shown a connection to Brenner Avenue in any of our <br />concept plans. <br />From a practical standpoint, it appears that access to Langton Lake Park can be <br />successfully accommodated in ways that would allow us to pursue our development at a <br />�--� -., <br />
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