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PLAI�WIN ; RLPORT <br />DAT[: <br />CASE NUME3ER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCAT;ON: <br />ACTION RE�UESTED: <br />PLA�JING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />7 June 1989 <br />1972 <br />Richard 5[ranik <br />Nor[heast Corner of County <br />Road 2 and Snelling Avenue <br />�ervice Road (see sketch) <br />Remniny from SC [o B-3� <br />Special Use Permi[ for en <br />Au[omobile Repair Shop, and <br />Variance [o Parking Stendards <br />1. The baA news abou[ thic si[e is [ha[ i[ i:: extremely small� Consistirg of <br />.49 acres to which an additional 10 feet for County Road B must 6e <br />dedicaced in accordance with the Ramse� County righ[s-of-way D�an. In <br />fact, all three of [he si[es in [he northv.�at quadren[ of [his <br />in[ersection are substantially s�ba[andard. The carwash si[e consists of <br />.39 acres anA [he office buiiding �i[e ([o Ghe nor[h) conaiste of .175 <br />ecres. Tha to[al for all thrze sites equals 1.055 acres. <br />2. In addi[ion to these problems, Chere is the problem with [he locetion of <br />the exiscing service road oii the east side of Snelling Avenue <br />intersec[ing with Ccun[y Road B a[ Lhe southwest corner of [he subject <br />praperty. The City has made repea[ed etGemp[s to plan for the <br />retocation of this service road. As nug�ested in previous repor[s, logical <br />relocation is [o move [he roadway to [he e�st side of [he exle[ing cer <br />wash site� �ihich ia [he major access drivr for Lhe Target atore anA [he <br />Perkins restauren[. This access is, in fart, a common oasement for <br />these property owners, [hough no[ a public riqht-of-way. <br />7. The best long range solutlon for the site in Gues[ion is for all [hree o� <br />[hese subs[andard sites [o be redeveloped and a[ such [ime when [his is <br />done, relnca[e the service road and vacata a pur[ion of [he Snelling <br />A�•enue right-of-wa�• formally occupied by thr. service road. This will <br />produce approxirna[ely 70 fee[ of east-west diuiension [o both the <br />property in quesliun ond [he office si[e to the north. The veCa[ion o� <br />[his righ[-of-way and [he adding of th's land ln the [wo proper[ies <br />no[ed would consr.itute a significan[ bene.`i[ and crnitd be par[ of the <br />Lrade-off for providing edditional righL-of-way to move [he service road <br />to the east side of the cerwash site. 'he acquisition and <br />redevelopmenc of these proper[ies, however, aeem unrealistic a[ this <br />point due [o the recen[ sale of a carw�,;i for a sum substan[i21ty over <br />1 million dollars. <br />4. There(ore, we sugges[ ;hat [he Ci[y consider [he concepC of not <br />rerouting the roaAwa} or vacating the righ[-of-way until such Cime [hat <br />i[ wauld be appropriatr, for the [hr=e propr.;ties tu be econo�nically <br />feasible t� redevelop the land. Discussions havr• benn held with ��tr. <br />