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Richard S[ranik, Case No. 1972 <br />Craig V+aldron rAgarding the <br />acr_omplish these ob�ectives. <br />incre�r�ent potPntial involved <br />alone will not be adequa[e <br />rerou[e [tie service road. <br />Page 2 <br />possibilities for [ax incrernent financing to <br />t�1r. lyaldron has concluded [hat [he [ax <br />in the redevelopment of the subjeci site <br />to acquire the additio�al land necessary to <br />It w nuld appear [o �e m ore appropriate to consider [he redeveloprnent <br />of [he [hree si[es and [he total package at some [ime in [he fu[ure <br />wher the value of the carwash is further amortized, the appropria[e <br />righ[-of-way can be obtainad, and the service road can be rerouted on a <br />�nore practical and econcmical basis. Thus, we face an interim problem <br />of so me appropria[e use for the property in question, which is at this <br />poin[ a vacant service sta[io� site. <br />�, ��tidas ��t�ffler (Stranik, Inc.) has occupied the former Dayton's TBA <br />facility [hat was originally built into the wall that accomptished a grade <br />change in the two parking levels at Rosedale at the southwest corner of <br />the si[e. That TBA was approved as a part of the overall PUD and <br />since Midas was a very similar opera[ion, it was allowed to move into <br />the site without a special use permi[. At the time Midas Muffler <br />moved into the f�ayton-Hucis�n site, [hey agreed no[ [o use their normal <br />bright yellow colors an the �[ructure, but rather cons[ruc[ the building <br />in an off-white color. We believe Yhat this has been a successful use <br />of the land and aes[he[ically attractive. '�ay[on's T[3A building was also <br />painted white in its original develop�nent, [herefore, [he transition w�s <br />hardly no[iced. <br />5. The Ci[y recenUy approved a radical expansion of the Rosedale si[e, <br />which includes the demoli�ion of that portion of the si[e occupied by <br />the t�iidas Muffler shop. Therefore, they are looking for anotfier <br />appropriate loca[ion in Roseville. They propose to use the property in <br />question by rernodeling the existing �uilding and adding to it. fhey <br />propose a totai of nine bays and parking accommodation for eighteen <br />cars. The old and new structure will be finished with face brick, and <br />[lie pariels abov� the doors and window fascades will be whi[e ins[ead <br />of yellow. Copies of [he si[e plans and huilding[inns are attachi��d <br />as prepare�i by the appl�cant's consultants. <br />7, An additional prohlem w;[h respect to [his si[e (because of i[s s�nall <br />size) is [he amoun[ uf par::ing Lhat can b� eccom�nod:iCed. You will <br />no[e by examining the site plan that a total of eighteen can be <br />accommodated on the site if there is a variance frorn 15 feet [0 5 <br />feet on the south side where the property line is moved 10 feet to the <br />north to p:ovide an additional 10 feet of i ight-of-way for County Road <br />B, The Ordinance requires a total of four parking :oaces plus [hree <br />per bay, which equals a total of thir[y-one spaces. Thu3, a variance of <br />thir[een spaces is requested. <br />E3, The applican[s ha�.�e subrni[[ed daGa indir_a[ing the nurnber of cars <br />utilizing the site on a jnbs-per-hour basis. We h;�v� sug,ested to [he <br />applican�s [ha[ r.his inforr�at.ion is somewhat diffir.�ilt tu interpre[ as It <br />rel�tes [.� actua: parking necds and aske:' that the; �repare additic���,; <br />i��[.ion. You will note `ro�n [h� sit«� ��lan ihti; [hePe is a 2`��u[ <br />s�r;b.ack t�� [he par�ing on [he north si:ie and iio set'.�ack propose,', in <br />the ��as[ side. This 10 feet of width on the east Side of [he struc[,ire <br />c�uld =3ccommo�iate :�n .�dd�tional three c:ars, two ne�t [o the struct��re <br />