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-� <br />Memorandum to Jeff Agnes and Jamie Swanson <br />Subject: Supplemental Traffic Review for Outlot 81 Concep[ PUU for Har Mar Shopping Center <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />November I5, 2007 <br />LVAI.UATION AND CONCLUSIONS <br />As presented earlier, the follawing are ihe two points raised by City staff as reasons to su��est <br />remaval of the riQ,ht-out at the existina westerly right twn access on County Road B as a <br />condition for approval of the PUD for o�tlot 81 : <br />c) Safety problems �resently occur due ta motorists who make a right tiun onto County <br />Road B at the wescerly right turn access and then make a U-tui7� at the main access for the <br />Har A.•ar sl:opping ce:zter. <br />d) The existing safety probiems would worsen with the proposed PUD for outlot 81. <br />The data and volume forecast,ti previously presented have been analyzed relative to the precedina <br />concerns raised by staff. Our firdings are presented next. <br />Existiu� Safetv Conditions <br />Based on our review, the existing iight turns ouc at the westerly right tum access and eastbound <br />u-turns at the main access are operating at a high level of safety for the following reasons: <br />• In the last five years, only one crash ai the Cowity Road B/main access intecsection <br />involved a u-turn. <br />• No segment-related crashes were reported on County Road B between the westerly right <br />turn access and the main lccess. <br />• No crashes were reported at the westerly right turn access in the last five yean that <br />involved an exiting right turn movement (northbound riaht turn}, <br />• From actual field observ�tions for a period of ei�ht typical busy hours, all eastbound u- <br />turns at the County Road B/main access intersection wEre completed in one maneuver. <br />• No weaving was observed between right ttu�ns exiting at the westerly right turn access <br />that are dettined to make a left turn or a u-turn at the main access and eastbound through <br />movements on County Road B. <br />One of the concerns raised Uy City staff was violation of the u-[urn prohibition between I 1:(}0 <br />a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and between 4:0(} �.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. Our iietd data <br />summarized in Table 1 confirms that significant violations occur. The City may consider one of <br />two possible measures to resolve these u-turn violatio�ls: <br />� Increase enforcement during time pec•iods when u-turns are prohibited. <br />OR <br />• Re�nove the u-turn restriction and altow u-tui•ns at all times. <br />