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6/19/2013 10:38:54 AM
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6/19/2013 10:38:52 AM
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Regular Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, January 2, 2013 <br />Page 5 <br />Cathleen Sorteberg, 1732 N Saint Albans Street <br />197 <br />Ms. Sorteberg spoke in wholehearted support of this use, based on her knowledge of the Linder <br />198 <br />family itself. <br />199 <br />Patrick Keefe, 1728 Saint Albans Street <br />200 <br />Mr. Keefe noted that, since he didn’t purchase his property until 2009, he didn’t experience the <br />201 <br />same problems from the former retail landscape business, but shared their concerns if that had <br />202 <br />been the case. Having gotten to know Mr. Linder and Mr. Carlson, Mr. Keefe advised that their <br />203 <br />explanation of the proposed use as a very low-key operation seemed feasible for him. However, <br />204 <br />Mr. Keefe did express concerns about property values, with his intent to sell and move this <br />205 <br />spring. In his discussions with a realtor in advance of that proposed sale, Mr. Keefe advised that <br />206 <br />the realtor didn’t foresee any problems as long as the operation remained low-key. Mr. Keefe <br />207 <br />opined that, if the other option of additional homes proceeded versus this proposed use, there <br />208 <br />would be even more people potentially accessing the neighborhood, and if long-term construction <br />209 <br />occurred, he didn’t see that as a positive for his property value situation. If he remained in the <br />210 <br />neighborhood, Mr. Keefe opined that he would prefer to see small greenhouses, and continue to <br />211 <br />enjoy the trees on the north end of the property as opposed to more homes. Therefore, Mr. Keefe <br />212 <br />spoke in support of a respectful, low-key operation, trusting the word of Mr. Carlson. <br />213 <br />Property Owner, Henry Linder <br />214 <br />At the request of Chair Boerigter, Mr. Linder addressed the location of and purpose for the <br />215 <br />multiple boats on site. Mr. Linder advised that the boats were all on trailers and covered from the <br />216 <br />elements, and as a boat collector of vintage boats for a number of years, his intent was to restore <br />217 <br />and sell the boats as a retirement project. At the request of Chari Boerigter, Mr. Linder advised of <br />218 <br />the location of the boats adjacent to his personal family garden; and not immediately adjacent to <br />219 <br />the proposed site for HostasDirect. Due to the proposed use of the portion of the property for this <br />220 <br />Interim Use, Mr. Linder advised that the boats had been moved from that area and closer to his <br />221 <br />home; and offered to move them into storage off-site if necessary. <br />222 <br />In response to Chair Boerigter, Mr. Linder and Mr. Carlson responded in turn why they had <br />223 <br />chosen access on Saint Albans versus Larpenteur Avenue, due to the Larpenteur Avenue access <br />224 <br />not being paved and not driving on the grass across Mr. Linder’s backyard for this business use. <br />225 <br />Mr. Linder advised that the Saint Albans access provided a separate property address other than <br />226 <br />his own personal address, as well as a gated, locked access, and employee parking off his <br />227 <br />personal lawn. Mr. Linder noted that the business should be allowed on-street parking equal to <br />228 <br />other neighbors and as a taxpayer, noting his observations of neighbors parking on the street. <br />229 <br />While willing to compromise and accommodate neighbors, Mr. Linder suggested that the most <br />230 <br />logical approach for all parties should be considered. <br />231 <br />Further discussion included identifying the three (3) buildings on site and proposed use by <br />232 <br />HostasDirect of the middle building with a cement driveway and access, with Mr. Linder using the <br />233 <br />other buildings. Frequency of use for shipments was again reviewed by Mr. Carlson for the <br />234 <br />benefit and clarification of the audience and the Commission; and Mr. Linder’s confirmation of his <br />235 <br />intent to turn this property into a revenue-producer, either through this proposed use or selling it <br />236 <br />to developers for some other use. <br />237 <br />Regarding parking on Larpenteur Avenue, Mr. Linder opined that it was too busy and would prove <br />238 <br />too dangerous for people getting in and out of cars versus using the Saint Albans option. <br />239 <br />Mr. Carlson stated that he felt that his reputation was at stake; and defended the options <br />240 <br />discussed at the Open House and consideration of those options; however, he clarified that they <br />241 <br />were off-the-cuff discussions at that time, and not commitments until further review and realistic <br />242 <br />issues were considered. Given this application process, and the holidays, Mr. Carlson advised <br />243 <br />that it had delayed removing the hoop structures, but it was his intent to remove them. <br />244 <br />Discussion among staff and commissioners included staff’s recommended conditions and <br />245 <br />potential amendments to those conditions; and request for extension of the Interim Use upon <br />246 <br />potential expiration. <br />247 <br />Chair Boerigter closed the Public Hearing for File 13-001 at approximately 8:20 p.m. <br />248 <br /> <br />
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