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4.0 BACKGROUND <br />4.1 Ms. Braunlin o�vns the residential property at 358 South McCarrons Boulevard. The <br />property has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Low-Density Residei�tial (LR) and a <br />zoning classification of Single-Family Residence Disttict (R-1). <br />S.O STAFF COMMENT <br />5.1 Section 1004.15 (Residential Setbacks) of the Ciry Code requires a house to be set back <br />30 feet from a front property line. The Community Development Departinent coutinues <br />to enforce a provision of the zonine ordinance (formerly in §] 004.01 DSa) that allowed an <br />attached garage to project 3 feet into the required front yard when no living area exists <br />above the garage, despite the fact that this provision was inadvertently omitted when the <br />ordinance was �nore recently re-codified. <br />5.2 Becatise the proposed garage reconstruction does not include living area above, a 27-foot <br />front yard setback would be enforced for the attached �arage. In light of this provision. <br />the proposed garage would not encroach into tl�e required setbacl< because it would stand <br />more than 29 feet from the front properry line. <br />5.3 Section ] 004.O1 A6 fimits iinpe�vious surface area on a typical residential propeiTy to <br />30% of the overall properiy area, but residential properties like this one in the Shorelaud <br />M�nagement District (defined in ti 1016.05 of tl�e City Code) are limited to 25% <br />impervious coverage. <br />5.4 The subject property was platted in the 1930's, well before the establishment of the <br />cu�rent lot size requirements, and at 6,935 square feet is considerably smaller than most <br />residei�tial lots in Roseville. Thc property I�as only 2,865 square fcet of impervious <br />surface area, which covers 41 % of the property, and the proposed addition of 507 square <br />feet would increase the impetvious coverage to 48.6%, due in large part to an expansion <br />of the driveway to batter serve the garage and the creation of a sidewalk/patio on the <br />eastern side ofthe garage. <br />5.5 According to the pro�osal, the gar�ge would not actually be enlarged, but it would be <br />rebuilt in a way that makes it more useable. Because the drivew�y slopes toward the <br />street, peivious paving would not be a viable option for reducing the increased rainwater <br />runoff from the expanded driveway. In conversltions with the builder, however, it see�ns <br />that Ms. Braimlin may be amenable to reducing tl�e size of the proposed patio; <br />Community Development staff �vould be supportive of requiring a reduction in the size of <br />the proposed sidewalk/patio on the eastern side of the house since the deck on thc roof of <br />the garage �vould scrve the same recreational purpose �vhile not increasing the <br />impervious coverage. Limiting the width of that sidewalk to the width of the stairs shown <br />on the site plan would appear to eliminate about 120 square feet of impervious surface <br />area, bringing the total coverage below 47%. <br />5.6 As a condition of approval of the requested variance, staff fi�om the Cominunity <br />Development and Public Works departments recommends requirine the ap�licant to <br />reduce storm water i�noff to levels that are consistent with 25%� impervious covera�e. <br />This goes well beyond mitigating thc proposed ndditro�val impervious surface area, but <br />would help to achieve some of the goals of the storm water management requirements. <br />PF03-00( RV6A 030503 <br />Pagc 2 of 4 � � <br />
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