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� �'`� <br />5.7 Section 1013 of the Code states: "Where the�-e are practical difficr�lties or tmusunl <br />hardships irz the wc�v o��currvif�g out t/ae sti-ict lette�� of the provisior�s of this code, tl�e <br />Variar�ce Board shall have tl�e potive�°, ir� a specific case ai�d after i�otice ar�d parblic <br />I�ear-ings, to va��� any s•arch pr-ovisioh rn I�armonv with the genei�al pru pose ar�d ij�ter�t <br />t/�ereof �a��d »�av im�ose such additiot�al co��ditions as it considers necessan� sc� tl�at the <br />prrhlic• hea1N�, safetv, afad gene�•�rl ��elf'ai�e mal� be secz�i-ed crnd si�bstai�tial jtistice dor�e. " <br />5.8 State Statute 462.357, subd. 6(2) provides authority for the city to '7�ea;- requests for <br />variances firoin tl2e literal provisr'o�s of t{ie ordii�crnce i� rnstcri�ces �•I�ere thei�� sti-ict <br />er�f'orcement would cazrse z�f�d�e f�arc�'.ship becazrse oJ�circam�st�nces zrniqi�e to the <br />i��dividtral propertt� tii�der co�side��ation, nnd to grant sz-rch variances o��lt% whe« it is <br />den�o�strated that si�ch actions ti��ill be in keeping with the spirit ar�d intent of'the <br />ordir2a��ce. `Undz�e hards7�ip ' as used i�� cort�tection with tl�e gra��ti��g of a variance <br />mecrns the property in qa�estion cnranot I�e put to a reasonnble irse if used under <br />conditions allowed by the oJ�icial cor�tr•ols, the j�ligl�t of the landowr�e�- is dz�e to <br />circtrn�sta»ces t�nique to the prope��ty not created by tl�e landowy�er, anc! the vcn�ias�ce, if <br />gi�at�ted, will izot alter t{ie essentia! char•acter o��the localiti•. Ecor�omic considercrtiot7s <br />aloi�e shall not constitr�te an in�dire hardship iireaso�able z�se. for tl�e property exists <br />unde�� the terms of tl�e ordir�ance ... The board or gover-rtir�g bodv as the case inar be mm' <br />irnpose conditiorrs ir� the grcr��ting of variances to instrre cornplin�ce artd to p�rotect. " <br />5.9 The �operty in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under conditions <br />allowed by the official controls: While the existing ;�arage already allows two vehicles to <br />be parked inside, such a garage must be seived by a suitable driveway in order to achieve <br />City policies of maintaining and improving Roseville's housing stock. Ancl although the <br />proposed development would not exceed the impervious coverage liinits on a typical <br />residential property, this legal, nonconfonninb lot is consicierably smaller than a typical <br />one; the existing impervious surface area, therefore, is already 1,131 square feet more <br />than the code allows and the proposed improvements would lead to an excess of 1,638 <br />square feet. Because this lot is only 6,935 square feet, the maximuin iinpervious coverage <br />allowed by the City Code witllout a vARt�NCE would be little more than l,725 square <br />feet, which is smaller than the existing structure, ?et alone any other essential <br />improveinents. The Planning Division has determined that the property can be put to <br />a reasonable use under the official controls if the requested vAR�ANCE is approved. <br />5.10 The pli�ht of the landowner is due to circumstances unic�ue to the property not created by <br />the landowner: Tl�is iegally nonconfonning property was platted in the 1930's and <br />iinproved in 1952, both of which dates precede tl�e current City Code requireineilts, and <br />the existing development leaves the cui-�-ent property owner no opportunity to make even <br />t�iodest improvements (or reductions) in the impervious coverage. Since there are only 37 <br />developed residential parcels suialler than 7,000 square feet in Roseville, the <br />circumstances on this property are clearly unique. The Planning Division has <br />determined that the plight of the landowner is due to unique circumstances not <br />created by the landown�r. <br />PF08-006 RVBA 030508 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />