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C��mpi��hcn.i� c,Aciehh„urhnod Studic.: C hara.icrinnp I)cclinc <br />Recreational No holiday away (rom home dunng last 12 mon[hs <br />Educatio� Fewer than 10 years educa[ion <br />DeprivaUon indicators are usually obtained from local surveys or the national <br />census, with the latter being the most commonly used source in British and US smdies <br />(Broadway and Jesty ]998, p. 1424). <br />In Britain, a number of indices of deprivation have been developed each to meet <br />different objectives. The Jarman Underprivileged Area Score, Townsend Material <br />Deprivation Score and the series of indices that have been produced by the (former) <br />Department of the Environment (DoE) and the Department of Environment, Transport <br />and the Regions, are some of the more commonly used indices. A brief summary of some <br />of them is presented below (Devon County Councii): <br />• The Breadline Britain Score provides an estimate of the percentage of the <br />poor households in an area. The index contains six variables: <br />unemployment, lack of owner occupied accommodation and lack of car <br />ownership, as well as three 'at risk' variables: limiting long-term illness, <br />lone pazent households, and low social class. <br />• The Index of Local Conditions provides a general index of urban <br />deprivation and also allows identifying specific aspects of material and <br />social deprivation. The index comprises 13 variables, six non-census (ratio <br />of long-term to all unemployed, Income Support recipients, low <br />educational attainment, standardised mortality rates, derelict land and <br />house contents insurance premiums) and seven census-based <br />(unemployment, children in low earning households, overcrowding, <br />housing lacking basic amenities, lack of car ownership, children in <br />'unsuitable' accommodation, and educational participation at age 17). <br />• Townsend Score and the Carstairs Score were both developed as measures <br />of material deprivation. The Townsend Score includes four variables: <br />unemployment, overcrowding, tack of owner occupied accommodation, <br />and lack of car ownership. This index is considered to be the best indicator <br />of material deprivation currently available. <br />• The Jarman Underprivileged Areu Score was originally constructed as a <br />measure of General Practice workload. The score is used ro take the <br />geographical variations in the demand for primary care into account. It <br />consists of eight variables: unemployment, overcrowding, lone parents, <br />elderly, % of residents aged under 5 years, ethnicity, residential mobility, <br />and low socia] class. <br />The paper by the Northern Ireland Assembly Meusures of Deprivation: Nofile V <br />Robson (2002) provides a brief outline of the Robson and Noble measures of deprivation <br />and highlights the main differences between them. The Robson index empioyed 18 <br />indicators, covering the areas of health, shelter, physical environmen[, education, family, <br />income and jobs (Table 7). <br />.-. ^ <br />33 <br />