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5/29/2014 10:53:56 AM
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6/21/2013 2:53:04 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Planned Unit Development
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-� •. <br />8.1 Final Grading Plan. The final grading plan for [he seven lot residential development must be <br />reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works before any permits will be issued. All <br />grading shall comply with the approved grading plans and shall be the responsibility of the <br />DEVELOPER. The DEVELOPER's engineer shall provide to the CITY a letter certifying that <br />the grading project was constructed and was completed as depicted in the approved grading <br />plan prior to the issuance oF a Certificate of Occupancy (Exhibit C). <br />8.2 Fina1 Utility Servicing Plan. The final utility servicing plan for each property and/or site must <br />be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works prior ro any permits being issued for <br />the building (Exhibit C). <br />8.3 Erosion Control. Prior to site grading, and before any udlity construction is commenced or <br />building permits are issued, an erosion control plan must be submitted for approval by the <br />Director of Public Works and/or the Gras Lake Watershed, and all erosion control actions shall <br />be implemented, inspected and approved by the CITY (F.xhibit C). <br />8.4 Clean Up. The DEVELOPER shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from <br />construction work by said DEVELOPERS, its agents or assigns. The CITY will determine <br />whether it is necessary to take addi[ional measures to clean dirt and debris from the streets. <br />After 24 hours verbal notice to the developer, the CITY may complete or contract to complete <br />the clean up at the DEVELOPER'S expense. <br />8.5 Street Right-of-Way Dedication. The DEVELOPER sha11 dedicate all public right-of-way <br />illustrated on the Owasso Ridge subdivision plat in accordance with State Law. <br />8.6 Utiliry & Drainage Easements. The DEVELOPER must provide a utility and drainage <br />easement which is required around [he periphery of the project parcel and which must be ten- <br />feet in width (where no matching easement is available). The DEVELOPER must also provide <br />a utility and drainage easement, which is 5ve foot wide adjacent all interior lot lines. The <br />developer must also work with the Public Works Department to determine the final use for the <br />existing utility stubs that lie along the west side of the parcel. <br />SJ Pnrk Dedication. The DEVELOPER must provide the City of Roseville with a payment in lieu <br />of parkland dedication amounting to $500 per lot or a total of $3,500. Said payment per lot <br />must be made at the time each of thc seven building permits are issued by the City. <br />9.0 PUD STANDARDS and CONDITIONS of APPROVAL <br />The Planned Uni[ Development shall also comply with the following specific PUD standards: <br />9.1 General Development Standards. The certificate of survey and/or plat, site development plan, <br />landscape plan, grading and u[iliry plan, building elevations, devclopment schedule, and final <br />land usc dcsignations shall be part of the standazds for development of the Owasso Ridge PUD. <br />
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