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�. .. -C - i"'.�-�"� � nR , I <br />1 i'' ' � `� �� V <br />1, - <br />. 4\ U � �3 � ��� � <br />Y'� �--�.�1� <br />Nov � ber 21. 2010 <br />To: Patrick Trudgeon <br />Director, Department of Community Development <br />City of Roseville <br />From: Gerald Larso <br />2i 80 St. Stephe St. <br />Roseville, Mn �5113 <br />�� <br />Attachment J <br />Dear Mr Trudgeor�. <br />Please consider my remarks in your decisions and recommendations regarding the asphalt <br />plant proposed by Bituminous Road���ays, and its consistency with the existing Rosevillc <br />Zoning Ordinance, that is, as the code as it existed prior to the date on which the <br />Roseville City Council specifically prohibited Asphalt Plants. My rernarks below are the <br />same as 1 made in a letter �vhich I sent to Mayor Klausing and each of the City C�uncil <br />members dated November 5, 2010. <br />��I <br />I have reviewed the EAW prepared by the MPCA on the proposed plant, and contrasted <br />data from the EAW with various provisions of the Roseville Zoning Code. 1 believe a <br />fair analysis clearly shows the proposed plant could not meet a number of the <br />Ferformance Standards in the current Roseville Code (Code). That fact alone should lead <br />the Roseville City Council to reject the proposal. All permit applications should be <br />denied. � <br />Recall that thc Code itself points out (1001.01.A), "The provisions of this 7oning T'itle <br />s11a11 be minimum renuirements adopted to protect the public health, safety, morals, <br />comfo►•t and general welfare of the people.'' <br />And further, "Said restrictions and regulations are for the purpose of protecting and <br />enhancing the character, stability, and vitality of residential neighborhoods as well as <br />commercial areas, ... and to provide compatibility between different land uses.`' <br />(1001.O1.B) <br />The Code itself is also ��ery clear that any proposed use should be denied which does not <br />meet various Code provisions, including the performance standards. This is set out <br />unambiguously at 10012, Scope: <br />'` buiIding, structure or land shall be occupied or used wllich is not in confonnity <br />with the regulations and terrns of this title." <br />Against this backdrop, please consider the followin�: <br />007. DI D Pe�for»tance Standards <br />Pe�fornrance Standard 1 Noise: An}1 use estnblis/ied ii� n» inrlustrial rlistrict s/�all be so <br />v <br />