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� <br />0 <br />� DANGER FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSIVES <br />In addition to noxious odors, ehe clause in Table 1007.015 (Roseville's pre-amended zoning <br />code) prohibits chemicals involving dan,ger from fire or expinsives. There are explosive <br />chemicals involved in asphalt production, and numerous accounts of dangerous fires are <br />available online. For instance, three of the six cases described in As�halt Plant Safety - Part I <br />involved explosions and/or fires. This YouTube video of news coverage of a Portland as�halt <br />�l�nt fire on August 22, 2010 intei-views a firefighter who indicates "Iiquid asphalt... is very <br />flammable". This, too, p�ints to the reasons an asphalt plant with chemicals invalving danger <br />froin fire or explosives is not permitted in Roseville. <br />I realize there are many substantiated reasons to deny the conditional use permit anci notify <br />Bituminous Roadways that ttieir pi-oposed asphalt plant is not per-initted in Roseville, MN. <br />Again, you have many comment letters to reference, and hopefully this information provides <br />you with additional cause. <br />Thai�k you, <br />, , ` '��� � <br />�legan Dushin <br />2249 St. Stephen 5treet <br />Roseville MN 55113 <br />Odor Calcuiations <br />Conversion from ug/m3 to ppb: MalWeight * ppb = 24.45 * ug/m3 <br />NE corne�- of property line <br />34.08 * ppb = 24.45 * 21.54ug/m� <br />34.08x = 526.653 <br />x = 15.45ppb or .01545ppm <br />Galf caurse <br />34.08 * ppb = 24.45 * 3.63ug/m3 <br />34.OSY = 88.75 <br />x = 2.61ppb or .0261ppm <br />Neal�est resrdence <br />34.08 * ppb = 24.45 * 2.95ug/m3 <br />34.08x = 72.13 <br />x = 2.12ppb or .0212ppm <br />� <br />