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�.. <br />� <br />Peiforninnce Stnndnrd 3. Toxic Or 11'o_rious A�atler: 1Vo use sl:all, for any perio�f of `�' <br />time, dischnr�e �rcrass the boun�laries of the lot wlrereiii it is loc�rte�l, toxic or noxious <br />inr�tter of sudt coircentr�nliort as to be detrintental to or endanger the public lten/tlr, <br />safety, con�fort or welfare or ct�use i►:ju�y or dnma;e to prope�•ty ar br{siness. <br />Noxious matter is de�ne� in the Code at 1002.02, "Noxrous Matter: material which is <br />capable of causing injury or malaise to living organisms or is cable of causing detrimental <br />effect upon the liealth or the psychological, social, or economic well being of human <br />beings." <br />There can be no doubt that the proposed plant cannot meet this performance standard. <br />There is ample testimony in the record about ihe anxiety of preschool operators near the <br />proposed site. There is evidence in the record about concerns articulated by nearby <br />property ow�ners/operators abaut the impact of the proposed plant on their land uses and <br />values. Tllere is tl�e stated demonstrable effects upon the food processing operations of <br />the Old Dutch Company. There is evidence subnlitted in comment letters on the EAW <br />about tlle effect of an asphalt plant on the value of nearby property. <br />Performa�rce Standard 4. Odors: The emission of odorous nratter in such qunntities as <br />to Ge readily detectnble beyonc! tlre bou»daries nf the imn�ediate site is prohibited <br />Tl�ere ca�l be no doubt that the proposed plant cannot meet this performance standard. <br />There is ample evidence in the EAW (pages 28-29) and presented at the Public Meeting � <br />in August that odors wili be readily detectible beyond the boundaries of the site. The <br />infoimation in the EAW {�vllich many residents believe substantially understates the <br />likely odor iransmissions} indicates that odors caused by the operation of the proposed <br />asplia(t plant would move beyond the boundaries of the site. <br />Old Dutch Company, one of the major employers in the city, has indicated that odors <br />attributable to the propased asplialt plant would travel to its operations at such a level as <br />to substantially iulpair their operations, perhaps causing the company to cease operations <br />in Roseville. This alone should be sufficient to disallow the proposed pIant fi�om <br />operation. <br />Zoning Ordinance Conclusion <br />it is clear that the Cit}� of Roseville Zoning Ordinance prohihits the operation of t11e <br />proposed plant analyzed in the EA1��. At the very least it cannot meet at least four of the <br />Performance Standards for industrial use zones. As indicated at the beginning of my <br />letter, these performance standards describe the "minimum standards" which are to be <br />applied to proposed uses. <br />