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.� <br />-� <br />--, <br />Conditional Usc Pcrmit Considerations <br />The Roseville Code criteria for issuing of a co�tditional use permit are fowid at 1013.13ll. <br />Criterion 1. Impact on Traffic. <br />Certainly die movement of nearly 700 heavy commercial vel�icles (trucks), many loaded <br />with hot mi� asphalt, would have an adverse impact on local traffic. 7'he EAW in its <br />trafiic analysis focused on the freeway system and gave only cursor} attention to the <br />local street system. Local traffic faces Iow leve�ls of setvice on several of the Yi'eeway <br />ramps under current conditions. These would be worsened by the addition of several <br />hundred [rucks. <br />Criterion 2. Impact on Parks, streets and other public facilities <br />This proposed asphalt plant would (�ave a substantial adverse effect on the Gross Golf <br />Course, located directly west of the proposed plant. The Golf Course is not located in <br />Roseville, and perhaps the City Council may not consider effecis outside the city. <br />Ho���ever, the operation of die proposed plaz�t would have a very adverse visual effect on <br />the Golf Course, as wel] as from other aspects of the plant operation, e.g. noise, dust, <br />odors, etc. <br />� ln addition, as alluded to above, tlie ability of lhe local street system to safely <br />accommodate die operation of severa] hundred additional ]arge trucks is problematic. <br />Criterion 4. Impact of the use on the market value of contiguous properties. <br />There is research that the prescnce of an asphalt plant adversely affects the market value <br />of contiguous properties. Such research is usually site specific, and would not have a <br />direct correspondence to the plant proposed by Bituininous Roadways. However, tl�is <br />research establishes a sufficient cause that would require a comprehensive market <br />analysis prior to approvinc any Co�ditional Use permit which would allow the proposed <br />plant to be constructed or operated. A comprehensive market analysis �i�ould have to be <br />perYormed wluch ���ould examinc market values of nearby property values �vith and <br />without the proposed asph�lt plant. While I am not an appraiser, I�vould believe that <br />such an analysis would sho�v substantial adverse market value impacts. These in tum <br />woulJ likelv translate into adverse impacts to Roseville and Schoo] District property ta�; <br />receipts. <br />Criterions >. Impact on the general public health, safety and welfare. <br />Tlze public safetv of residents and otlters would be reduced by the introduction of <br />hundreds of additional Uvck trips in the vicinity. It would be reduced by the possibility <br />uf accidents ��ith tliose trucks, many of whicli would be canying 19 tons of hot asphalt <br />mix at a temperah�re of l�undreds of degrees. <br />The general welfare of tl�e City of Roseville, its residents, businesses a��d visitors would <br />