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� <br />Memorandurn to: Ken[ Peterson <br />Bituminous Roadways <br />October 7, 20] 0 <br />Page 5 <br />Table 3: Predicted total l <br />Existing <br />Location Da time L. <br />N 1 59.7 <br />#2 65.9 <br />tl3 62.5 <br />daytime noise levels i <br />lant Noise Level Und� <br />Normal Operations at <br />46. I <br />40.4 <br />�r normal cond <br />Toca1 Predicted <br />Future Daytime <br />Noise Levels <br />The temporary crushii�g operation would create additional noise beyond the normal operational <br />conditions. The crushing operation would be louder than the equipment in use at the plant under <br />normal operations and would therefore add noise to the proposed project site. The noise levels <br />created by the crushing operation were calculated for each of the four noise monitoring locations. <br />These noise values were theo added to the predicted future noises levels of the combined existing <br />noise plus the plant under normal operations. <br />This returned a prcdicted future noise Icvel at each bcation with the addition of the proposed <br />plant plus while the crushing operation is one si[e. There are two potehtial locations on [he <br />projecl site for the mobile erushing opera[ions. The crusher would be located at each loca[ion for <br />a portion of two to three week period the crusher is on site and in operation: The noise levels <br />heard at a location are dependant on the distance f}om the noise source. As a result, for the <br />calculations in "I'able 4 that predict the fwure noise levels at the monitoring locations during <br />crushing, the crusher location that was closest ro each monitoring bcation was used for the <br />calculation. This calculation would then provide the greatest possible increase in noise at a <br />location due to the presence of the plant and the c�usher for future noise levels. <br />Table 4: <br />Location <br />u�ai remcrea �urure aa tu <br />Plant Noise <br />Level Under <br />Existing ivormal <br />Daytime Operations at <br />L50 each Location <br />59.7 46.1 <br />65.9 44.2 <br />62.5 41.3 <br />563 40.4 <br />levels site <br />Crusher Noise <br />L.evel at each <br />I.0 <br />Total <br />Predicted <br />Future <br />Daytime <br />oise Leve <br />61.6 <br />66.6 <br />62.9 <br />The noise generatecl by the proposed project during crushing operations will result in a 0.5 to <br />1.9 dBA increase to the existing noise levels a[ the four monitored locations near the project site. <br />Based on MPCA noise guidance, a I dBA increase is not detectable by the hinnan ear and a <br />3 d8A inaease is considered [he threshold of perccption (A Gurde io Norse Contru! in <br />rLlinnesom; MPCA, 2008). As a result, the small increases in noise created by the proposed <br />T ll42�-p�vnwuus 0.\I 1}WJ 0.o,µn�lle fl�.\pifey�em.o.141616D5Cx <br />.� <br />.... <br />�/ <br />