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-. <br />Memorandum to: Kent Peterson <br />Bituminous Roadways <br />October 7, 2010 <br />Page 4 <br />-. <br />I'he noise data collected from each of the four monitoring locations is provided in Table 2. The <br />nighttime L50 values within Table 2 are based on the data collected from 6:00 am to 7:00 am at <br />each location_ The daytime L50 values presented in Table 2 is the average L50 ofail hours of <br />noise data collecred from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm a[ each location. <br />Table 2: Noise <br />Loca[ion <br />and NAC��� <br />Industrial <br />#2 - Ind Old Dutch & Railrc <br />N3 - Res End of Eustis Court <br />#4 - Res St. Croix St. - Mid-I <br />MPCA <br />Nighttime Nighttime <br />L50 dBA�2� L50 Standai <br />60.7 75 <br />66.2 75 <br />58.2 <br />Daytime Da�aime L50 <br />50 dBA�3� Standard <br />59.7 75 <br />65.9 75 <br />62.5 60 <br />563 60 <br />( I): NAC = Noise Area Classification; Ind = Industrial Noise Arw; Res = Residrntiel Noise Area. <br />(21: Nighttime L50 was calculated (rom noise data collected betw•een 6:00 am and 7:00 am. <br />(3): Daytime L50 presented is the average LSQ from 12 hours of noise data collected from 7:00 am ta 5:00 pm. <br />The monirored existing L50 Ievels from the four monitoring locations were used in conjunction <br />^ with the measured noise levels at the existing Bituminous Roadways Shakopee asphalt plant to <br />calculate the future noise leveis at the noise mo��itoring locations. The potential future noise <br />levels from [he proposed project at each noise monitoring location were calculated using �he <br />following formula: <br />dBAa;s„�« = 79.4 dB(A)2� — 20 logio(distance/20) <br />Oncc the noise levels genera[ed by the proposed projeet were determined for each noise <br />monitoring location, these values were then added to the existing monitored noise levels ro yield <br />the predicred future noise Icvels. The following formula was used to calculate the summation of <br />the eaisting noise with the new noise created by [he proposed project: <br />FuturedBA= IOlog(10"":n��ad,viu� { �����,Yeo,vio>� <br />The predicted future daytime noise levels under normal plant operations are presented in Table 3 <br />for each of the four monitoring locations. Under normal operations the noise geoerated by [he <br />proposed projcct would increase the noise levels at the four monitored locations by 0 to 0.2 dBA. <br />An increase ofthis magnitude is not detectable by the human ear and suppons the conclusions <br />presented in the EA W that the proposed project would not result in a significant increase in noise <br />in areas adjacent to the project. Figure 3 presents the existing noise Icvds a[ each loe:ation as well <br />as the predicted future noise levels a[ each location with the asphalt plant under normal <br />operation. <br />� <br />l tN:!-Unun.iwe NV I]ao9 h xn0e CN�au�Nemo-101U-14M tlo; <br />